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Ancaman Web Italian Job Menyebar
Sabtu, 28 Juli 2007
Komputer dan halaman web yang "tertular" sebagian besar berada di Italia. Namun para pengguna internet di negara-negara lain termasuk di AS dan Spanyol juga terserang akibat mengunjungi situs pariwisata dari Italia.

Ancaman web ini dimotori oleh sebuah perangkat malware yang dikenal dengan sebutan MPack yang pertama kali terdeteksi pada akhir tahun 2006. MPack menunjukkan peningkatan kemampuan dalam meng-hack secara profesional sejak para hacker dari Rusia menjualnya dengan tambahan fitur yang lebih kaya dan portfolio eksploitasi yang lebih beragam dengan harga USD1.000 (naik beberapa ratus dolar dari versi sebelumnya). Mereka juga memberikan aplikasi komersil yang serupa dengan pen-download upgrade versi terbaru. MPack versi lama memiliki model penyerangan yaitu membajak situs-situs resmi dan legal sehingga menjadi tanda dimulainya era di mana tidak ada lagi situs yang aman. Sementara itu, perkembangan dari sisi teknologi keamanan juga meningkat. Tak heran bila muncul teknologi pengaman yang mampu mendeteksi MPack dan varian-variannya.

Penularan MPack
Ancaman web MPack menggunakan Inline Frame (IFRAME) yang terdapat di dalam semua situs untuk menyerang korbannya. IFRAME adalah elemen HTML yang bertugas untuk me-loading sebuah dokumen HTML kedua sebagai sebuah 'frame' di sekitar dokumen utama. Pada kasus ancaman web Italian Job, ketika sebuah Web browser membuka sebuah situs yang dibajak oleh MPack, kode IFRAME yang berbahaya otomatis ter-download dengan sendirinya ke komputer korban melalui sebuah file JavaScript yang diidentifikasi sebagai JS_DLOADER.NTJ. File ini akan men-download sebuah Trojan, TROJ_SMALL.HCK, yang kemudian akan men-download dua Trojan lainnya yaitu TROJ_AGENT.UHL dan TROJ_PAKES.NC.

Trojan PAKES membuka kesempatan bagi program keylogger atau pencuri informasi stealer untuk masuk ke dalam komputer korban. Sementara itu, Trojan AGENT akan berperan sebagai sebuah server proxy yang memungkinkan para hacker untuk mengendalikan komputer korban dari tempat lain pada saat tersambung dengan internet sehingga komputer korban menjadi bagian dari sebuah botnet.

Perkembangan Terbaru
Mungkin hal yang paling aneh dari serangan ini adalah tidak ada hal yang benar-benar baru darinya. Serangan ini menggunakan malware yang sudah pernah menyerang sebelumnya, bahkan sebagian dari malware tersebut sudah pernah menyerang beberapa bulan sebelumnya. Di masa lalu, penyebaran virus selalu berhubungan dengan sebuah program viral baru (atau sebuah versi terbaru dari program lama yang telah dimodifikasi secara lebih baik sehingga membutuhkan perlindungan baru). Kini, suatu serangan baru dapat berupa penggunaan kembali skema ancaman yang sudah ada. Hal yang paling aneh dari hal ini adalah para penjahat cyber yang menyebabkan ancaman ini membeli komponen MPack yang sudah jadi.

Ancaman web Italian Job berisi file pengeksploitasi yang didesain untuk Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, dan bahkan Java Script serta WinZIP. Terdapat peralatan yang cukup untuk menjangkiti sebagian besar pengguna internet yang kurang waspada.

Serangan-serangan yang terjadi ini tidak bisa menandingi serangan virus di masa lalu. Sebuah virus yang bisa mereplikasi diri dapat menjangkiti jutaan komputer dalam waktu yang sangat cepat. Hal yang membedakan serangan yang terjadi saat ini dengan yang terjadi di masa lalu adalah motifnya. Serangan-serangan yang terjadi saat ini bermotif ekonomi. Pencurian identitas dan informasi pribadi korban menjadi target utama serangan.

Untuk dapat terhindar dari serangan ini, para pengguna harus mengikuti semua standar pengamanan yang disarankan seperti menggunakan program pengaman internet yang terintegrasi, rutin meng-update dan mengupgrade OS dan aplikasi (terutama aplikasi browser). Jika para pengguna mencurigai adanya hal aneh pada komputer mereka, lakukan pengecekan dengan melakukan pemindaian dengan antivirus yang dimiliki.

Widia Yurnalis,id,174,nodeid,4,_language,Indonesia.html

MPack ini adalah file php yang mengandung malicious javascript/html. Saat korban mengunjungi /membuka suatu situs yang telah mengandung Mpack, maka Mpack ini akan bekerja secara otomatis untuk :

1. Melakukan identifikasi terhadap jenis Browser dan Sistem Operasi yang dipakai oleh pengunjung
2. Pengelompokan berdasarkan Browser dan Sistem operasi memudahkan dalam proses Attack, Misalnya Apabila pengunjung menggunakan Browser Internet Explorer maka proses Attack menggunakan MSIE exploit
3. Jika berhasil maka langkah selanjutnya adalah memasukan/menginstall file yang berekstensi executable dan tentu saja dijalankan
4. Kadang kala Trik Social Engineering dipergunakan juga
posted by @dhe @ 10.22  
Windows PowerShell: Now Part of Windows Server 2008 Beta 3
Selasa, 24 Juli 2007
Microsoft Windows PowerShell is a new command-line shell and scripting language that helps IT professionals achieve greater productivity and control system administration more easily. Windows PowerShell does not require you to migrate your existing

Scenarios for Windows PowerShell

Windows PowerShell includes new command-line tools that allow you to efficiently complete server administration tasks that are common across all Windows Server 2008 roles, such as services, processes, and storage. Windows PowerShell also allows you to manage specific Windows Server 2008 roles, such as Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 and Terminal Server, as well as Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 and Microsoft Operations Manager 2007. Also, a number of partners have provided Windows PowerShell commands that improve network management and provide rich charting and gauge capabilities.

Managing command-line services, processes, registry, and WMI data

Common as-needed server administration tasks, such as identifying running services or processes, viewing the registry, and reading and changing settings stored in Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), are easier than ever with the built-in command-line tools (cmdlets) get-service, get-process, get-wmiobject, and the registry provider for Windows PowerShell. Don’t forget about the power of the wildcard, such as “get-services *”.

Terminal Server management

Because Terminal Server stores a wealth of data in WMI, administrators can automate Terminal Server configuration changes by means of Windows PowerShell scripts, and examine configuration similarities and differences across a Terminal Server farm. See the numerous script examples in the TechNet ScriptCenter.

Deploying and configuring Internet Information Services 7.0

Windows PowerShell is ideally suited to managing IIS 7.0, including deploying and configuring IIS 7 across a Web farm. Learn more at and Channel 9. Submit an IIS script as part of the Windows PowerShell Script Contest and have a chance to win an Xbox or a trip to the Microsoft Redmond Campus.

Windows PowerShell features:

More than 130 command-line tools (called cmdlets) for performing common system administration tasks, such as managing the registry, services, processes, event logs, certificates, and WMI.
Scripting language that accelerates automation of bulk or repetitive system administration tasks because of its integration with the command-line shell and task-focused design.
Support for existing scripts, existing command-line tools, and multiple operating systems, including Windows Server 2008.
Commands that follow standard naming conventions and work with a small set of intuitive utilities (where, select, sort, format, measure, compare, group) in order to provide consistency and improve efficiency.
Standard, uniform utilities for accessing the full range of Windows data access technologies, including Active Directory (ADSI) data, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), Component Object Model (COM) objects, ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), HTML, and XML data.
Simplified, command-based navigation of the operating system that lets users navigate the registry, certificate store, and other data by using the same commands they use to navigate the file system.
New logging and error-handling capabilities allow script execution tracking and graceful error handling.
Simple access to objects and system administration data, and the ability to pipe objects between command-line tools.

Extensible interface that allows independent software vendors and enterprise developers to quickly build custom tools and utilities to administer applications running Windows Server 2008.
posted by @dhe @ 17.41  
The Complete History of Hacking
Senin, 16 Juli 2007
Maybe not the complete history but a valid attempt. A complete hacker history will
never be obtainable since so much of the history is fragmented, unfounded and
unreported.This will not be a complete list but a work in progress.


[1960 Nov] Telephone calls are switched for the first time by computer.
[1963] Dartmouth College, located in Hanover, New Hampshire, incorporates the introduction to the use of computers as
a regular part of the Liberal Arts program.
[1963] ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is created, permitting machines from different
manufacturers to exchange data. ASCII consists of 128 unique strings of ones and zeros.
[1964] There are approximately 18,200 computer systems in the United States. Over 70% of those computers were
manufactured by International Business Machines (IBM).
[1964] Thomas Kurtz and John Kemeny created BASIC (Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code), an easy- tolearn
programming language, for their students at Dartmouth College.
[1967] The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) work with U.S. computer experts to form a network of Interface
Message Processors (IMPS). The computers would act as gateways to mainframes at a variety of institutions in the
United States and provide a major part of what would become the Internet in the years ahead.
[1969] The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) originates ARPANET , a service designed to provide efficient
ways to communicate for scientists. A Cambridge, Massachusetts consulting firm, Bolt Beranek and Newman, who won
a ARPA contract to design and build a network of Interface Message Processors (IMPS) the year prior, ships (Sept) the
first unit to UCLA and ships (Oct) the second unit to Stanford Research Institute. IMPS act as gateways to mainframes at
a variety of institutions in the United States. Within a few days of delivery, the machine at UCLA and Stanford link up for
the first time and ARPANET is founded. Later the network expands to four nodes. The first four nodes (networks)
consisted of the, University of California Los Angeles, University of California Santa Barbara, University of Utah and the
Stanford Research Institute. This system would evolve to be known as the Internet or the Information Super Highway.
[1969] Intel makes the announcement of a much larger RAM chip. It boasts of a 1KB capacity.
[1969] Ken L. Thompson , Dennis M. Ritchie and others start working on the UNIX operating system at Bell Labs (later
AT&T). UNIX was designed with the goal of allowing several users to access the computer simultaneously.
[1969] The first computer hackers emerge at MIT. They borrow their name from a term to describe members of a model
train group at the school who "hack" the electric trains, tracks, and switches to make them perform faster and differently.
A few of the members transfer their curiosity and rigging skills to the new mainframe computing systems being studied
and developed on campus.
[1969] Joe Engressia ('The Whistler', 'Joybubbles' and 'High Rise Joe') considered the father of phreaking. Joe, who is
blind, was a mathematics student at USF in the late 1960s when he discovered that he could whistle into a pay
telephone the precise pitch --the 2600- cycle note, close to a high A- - that would trip phone circuits and allow him to make
long-distance calls at no cost.


[1970] An estimated 100,000 computer systems are in use in the United States.
[1970] Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) introduces the famous PDP- 11, which is considered to be one of the best
designed minicomputers ever, and many of the machines are still used today. Some of the best computer hackers in the
world cut their teeth on -11's.
[1971] The first personal computer, the Kenback , is advertised in the September issue of Scientific American.
[1971] John Draper ('Cap'n Crunch') learns that a toy whistle given away inside Cap'n Crunch cereal generates a 2600-
hertz signal, the same high-pitched tone that accesses AT&T's long-distance switching system. Draper builds a blue box
that, when used in conjunction with the whistle and sounded into a phone receiver, allows phreakers to make free calls.
[1971] Esquire magazine publishes Secrets of the Little Blue Box with instructions for making a blue box, and wire fraud
in the United States escalates. Among the perpetrators: college kids Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs, future founders of
Apple Computer, who launch a home industry making and selling blue boxes .
[1971] First e-mail program written by Ray Tomlinson and used on ARPANET which now has 64 nodes. Tomlinson of
Bolt Beranek and Newman, contracted by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) to create the ARPANET ,
selects the @ symbol to separate user names in e-mail as the first e-mail messages are sent between computers.
[1972 May] John Draper arrested for phone phreaking and sentenced to four months in California's Lompoc prison.
[1973] Intel ’ s chairman, Gordon Moore, publicly reveals the prophecy that the number of transistors on a microchip will
double every year and a half. Moore ’s Law will hold true for more than twenty years.
[1975] About 13,000 cash dispensing Automatic Teller Machines (ATM) are installed.
[1975] Atari, Inc. ’s home version of PONG begins selling at 900 Sears and Roebuck stores under the Sears ’
Telegames brand.
[1975 Aug] William Henry Gates, III (Bill Gates) and Paul Allen found Microsoft .
[1976] David R. Boggs and Robert M. Metcalfe invent Ethernet at Xerox in Palo Alto, California.
[1976 Apr] Stephen Wozniak, Steven Paul Jobs and Ron Wayne sign an agreement that founds Apple Computer on April
[1977 Aug 3] The TRS- 80 ('Trash- 80') Model I offered to the public and becomes the first desktop computer.
[1977 Dec] The Atari 2600 is selling for $199.95 and includes one game and two controllers.
[1978] Bill Joy produces first Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) of UNIX.
[1978] There are an estimated 5,000 desktop computers in use within the United States.
[1978] Kevin David Mitnick ('Condor') meets phone phreak Lewis De Payne ('Roscoe') of Roscoe gang while harassing a
HAM radio operator on the air in Southern California.
[1979] The C Programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie is published.
[1979 Jun] The Apple II+ with 48K RAM and a new “auto- start” ROM is introduced by Apple Computer for $1,195.


[1980] There is an estimated 350,000 computer terminals "networked" with larger "host" computers.
[1980] Nintendo, Ltd. releases Donkey Kong as a coin-operated arcade game.
[1980] Usenet is born, networking UNIX machines over slow phone lines. Usenet eventually overruns ARPANET as the
virtual bulletin board of choice for the emerging hacker nation.
[1980 Dec] Roscoe Gang, including Kevin Mitnick , invade computer system at US Leasing.
[1981] Kenji Urada, 37, becomes the first reported death caused by a robot. A self-propelled robotic cart crushed him as
he was trying to repair it in a Japanese factory. :-)
[1981] Commodore Business Machines starts shipping the VIC- 20 home computer. It features a 6502 microprocessor, 8
colors and a 61-key keyboard. Screen columns are limited to 22 characters. The product is manufactured in West
Germany and sells in the U.S. for just under $300.
[1981 Jul] Microsoft acquires complete rights to Seattle Computer Product ’ s DOS and names it MS-DOS.
[1981] Ian Murphy ('Captain Zap') was the first hacker to be tried and convicted as a felon. Murphy broke into AT&T's
computers and changed the internal clocks that metered billing rates. People were getting late-night discount rates when
they called at midday.
[1981 May 23] Kevin Mitnick, 17, is arrested for stealing computer manuals from Pacific Bell's switching center in Los
Angeles, California. He will be prosecuted as a juvenile and sentenced to probation.
[1981 May 28] First mention of Microsoft on Usenet.
[1982] There are an estimated 3 million computer terminals "networked" with larger "host" computers. Also, there are an
estimated number of 5 million desktop computers in use within the United States. More than 100 companies make
personal computers.
[1982] Sun Microsystems , Inc. is founded by four 27-year-old men; Andreas von Bechtolsheim, Vinod Khosla, Scott
McNealy and Bill Joy.
[1982] As hacker culture begins to erode, losing some of its brightest minds to commercial PC and software start-ups,
Richard Stallman starts to develop a free clone of UNIX, written in C, that he calls GNU (for Gnu's Not Unix).
[1982] Lewis De Payne ('Roscoe') pleas guilty to conspiracy and fraud. Sentence: 150 days in jail. Accomplice gets
thirty. Mitnick gets ninety day diagnostic study by juvenile justice system, plus a year probation.
[1982] Kevin Mitnick cracks Pacific Telephone system and TRW; destroys data.
[1982] William Gibson coins term "cyberspace."
[1982] '414 Gang' phreakers raided. '414 Private' BBS was where the '414 Gang' would exchange information while
breaking into systems of Sloan- Kettering Cancer Center and Los Alamos military computers.
[1982 Aug] Commodore ships the Commodore 64 computer and enters more than one million homes during this first
year. The C-64 was the first home computer with a standard 64K RAM. With an suggested retail price of $595, it was
considered a huge value. It included a keyboard, CPU, graphics and sound chips.
[1982 Sep 19] Scott E. Fahlman typed the first on- line smiley, :-)
[1983] The Internet is formed when ARPANET is split into military and civilian sections.
[1983] The movie WarGames is released, Matthew Broderick plays a computer whiz kid who inadvertently initiates the
countdown to World War III.
[1983] Plovernet BBS (Bulletin Board System) was a powerful East Coast pirate board that operated in both New York
and Florida. Owned and operated by teenage hacker 'Quasi Moto', Plovernet attracted five hundred eager users in 1983.
Eric Corley ('Emmanuel Goldstein') was one- time co-sysop of Plovernet, along with 'Lex Luthor', who would later found
the phreaker/hacker group, Legion of Doom.
[1983 Sep 22] Kevin Poulsen ('Dark Dante') and Ron Austin are arrested for breaking into the ARPANET . At 17 Poulsen
is not prosecuted and Austin receives 3 years probation.
[1983 Sep 27] Richard Stallman makes the first Usenet announcement about GNU.
[1983 Nov 12] First mention of Microsoft Windows on Usenet.
[1984] Andrew Tanenbaum writes the first version of Minix, a UNIX intended for educational purposes. Minix later gave
Linus Torvalds the inspiration to start writing Linux .
[1984] The University of California at Berkeley released version 4.2BSD which included a complete implementation of
the TCP/IP networking protocols. Systems based on this and later BSD releases provided a multi-vendor networking
capability based on Ethernet networking.
[1984] Bill Landreth ('The Cracker') is convicted of breaking into some of the most secure computer systems in the
United States, including GTE Telemail's electronic mail network, where he peeped at NASA Department of Defense
computer correspondence. In 1987 Bill violated his probation and was back in jail finishing his sentence. Bill also
authored an interesting read titled 'Out of the Inner Circle'.
[1984] Legion of Doom formed. Legion of Doom, a hacker group which operated in the United States in the late 1980's.
The group's wide ranging activities included diversion of telephone networks, copying proprietary information from
companies and distributing hacking tutorials. Members included: 'Lex Luther' (founder), Chris Goggans ('Erik Bloodaxe'),
Mark Abene ('Phiber Optik'), Adam Grant ('The Urvile'), Franklin Darden ('The Leftist'), Robert Riggs ('The Prophet'),
Loyd Blankenship ('The Mentor'), Todd Lawrence ('The Marauder), Scott Chasin ('Doc Holiday'), Bruce Fancher ('Death
Lord'), Patrick K. Kroupa ('Lord Digital'), James Salsman ('Karl Marx'), Steven G. Steinberg ('Frank Drake'), Corey A.
Lindsly ('Mark Tabas'), 'Agrajag The Prolonged', 'King Blotto', 'Blue Archer', 'The Dragyn', 'Unknown Soldier', 'Sharp
Razor', 'Doctor Who', 'Paul Muad'Dib', 'Phucked Agent 04', 'X-man', 'Randy Smith', 'Steve Dahl, 'The Warlock', 'Terminal
Man', 'Silver Spy', 'The Videosmith', 'Kerrang Khan', 'Gary Seven', 'Bill From RNOC', 'Carrier Culprit', 'Master of Impact',
'Phantom Phreaker', 'Doom Prophet', 'Thomas Covenant', 'Phase Jitter', 'Prime Suspect', 'Skinny Puppy' and 'Professor
[1984] 2600: The Hacker Quarterly founded by Eric Corley ('Emmanuel Goldstein').
[1984 Jun 19] The X Window System is released by Robert W. Scheifler.
[1985] Hacker 'zine Phrack is first published by Craig Neidorf ('Knight Lightning') and Randy Tischler ('Taran King').
[1985 May 24] Date of incorporation under original founding name, Quantum Computer Services (America Online).
[1986] The Congress passes Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. The law, however, does not cover juveniles.
[1986] The german hacker group, Chaos Computer Club, hacked information about the german Nuclear Power Program
from government computers during the Chernobyl crisis.
[1986 Jan 8] Legion of Doom/H member Loyd Blankenship ('The Mentor') is arrested around this time. He publishes a
now- famous treatise that comes to be known as the Hacker's Manifesto.
[1986 Feb 26] The Phoenix Fortress BBS issues warrants for the arrest and confiscation of the equpment of 7 local
users in Fremont, CA. The Sysop turns out to be a local law enforcement agent and the Phoenix Fortress created to
catch hackers and software pirates.
[1986 Sep 1] An unknown suspect or group of suspects using the code name Pink Floyd repeatedly accessed the UNIX
and Portia computer systems at Stanford University without authorization. Damage was estimated at $10,000.
[1986 Aug] In August, while following up a 75 cent accounting error in the computer logs at the Lawrence Berkeley Lab
at the University of California, Berkeley, network manager Clifford Stoll uncovers evidence of hackers at work. A year-
long investigation results in the arrest of the five german hackers responsible.
[1987 Sep 14] It's disclosed publicly that young german computer hackers calling themselves the Data Travellers,
managed to break into NASA network computers and other world-wide top secret computer installations.
[1987 Nov 23] Chaos Computer Club hacks NASA's SPAN network.
[1987 Dec] Kevin Mitnick invades systems at Santa Cruz Operation. Mitnick sentenced to probabtion for stealing
software from SCO, after he cooperates by telling SCO engineers how he got into their systems.
[1988 Jun] The U.S. Secret Service (USSS) secretly videotapes the SummerCon hacker convention.
[1988 Nov 2] Robert T. Morris, Jr., a graduate student at Cornell University and son of a chief scientist at a division of the
National Security Agency (NSA), launches a self- replicating worm on the government's ARPANET (precursor to the
Internet) to test its effect on UNIX systems. The worm gets out of hand and spreads to some 6,000 networked
computers, clogging government and university systems. Morris is dismissed from Cornell, sentenced to three years
probation and fined $10,000.
[1988 Nov 3] First mention of the Morris worm on Usenet.
[1988 Dec] Legion of Doom hacker Robert Riggs ('The Prophet') cracks BellSouth AIMSX computer network and
downloads E911 document (describes how the 911 emergency phone system works). Riggs sends a copy to Phrack
editor Craig Neidorf ('Knight Lightning'). Both Craig and Robert are raided by Federal authorities and later indicted. The
indictment said the "computerized text file" was worth $79,449, and a BellSouth security official testified at trial it was
worth $24,639. The trial began on July 23, 1990 but the proceedings unexpectedly ended when the government asked
the court to dismiss all the charges when it was discovered that the public could call a toll- free number and purchase the
same E911 document for less than $20.
[1988 Dec 16] 25-year-old computer hacker Kevin Mitnick is held without bail on charges that include stealing $1 million
in software from DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation), including VMS source code, and causing that firm $4 million in
[1989] 22-year-old computer hacker and ex-LOD member Corey Lindsly ('Mark Tabas') pleaded guilty to felony charges
relating to using a computer to access US West's system illegally, which resulted in five years probation. [see also 1995
Feb. 'Phonemasters']
[1989] At the Cern laboratory for research in high-energy physics in Geneva, Tim Berners- Lee and Robert Cailliau
develop the protocols that will become the world wide web.
[1989 Jan 23] Herbert Zinn ('Shadowhawk'), a high school dropout, was the first to be convicted (as a juvenile) under the
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986. Zinn was 16 when he managed to break into AT&T and Department of Defense
systems. He was convicted on January 23, 1989, of destroying $174,000 worth of files, copying programs valued at
millions of dollars, and publishing passwords and instructions on how to violate computer security systems. Zinn was
sentenced to nine months in prison and fined $10,000.
[1989 May] A task force in Chicago raids and arrests an alleged computer hacker known as 'Kyrie'.
[1989 Jun] An underground group of hackers known as the NuPrometheus League distributes proprietary software
illegally obtained from Apple Computer .
[1989 Jul 21] Known as the "Atlanta Three" case, 3 members of the LOD/H (Legion of Doom) where charged with
hacking into Bell South's Telephone (including 911) Networks - possessing proprietary BellSouth software and
information, unauthorized intrusion, illegal possession of phone credit card numbers with intent to defraud, and
conspiracy. The three hackers where: Franklin Darden ('The Leftist'), Adam Grant ('The Urvile' and 'Necron 99'), Robert
Riggs ('The Prophet').
[1989 Jun 22] 'Fry Guy', a 16-year-old in Elmwood, Indiana cracks into McDonald's mainframe on the Sprint Telenet
system. One act involved the young hacker altering phone switches so that calls to a Florida county probation
department would ring at a New York phone- sex line answered by "Tina." On September 14 1990, he was sentenced to
forty- four months probation and four hundred hours community service.


[1990] Electronic Frontier Foundation is formed by Mitch Kapor and John Perry Barlow in part to defend the rights of
those investigated for alleged computer hacking.
[1990] Kevin Poulsen's now- infamous incident with KIIS-FM in Los Angeles. In 1990 the station ran the "Win a Porsche
by Friday" contest, with a $50,000 Porsche given to the 102nd caller. Kevin and his associates, stationed at their
computers, seized control of the station's 25 telephone lines, blocking out all calls but their own. Then he dialed the
102nd call -- and later collected his Porsche 944.
[1990 Jan 15] AT&T's long-distance telephone switching system crashed. During the nine long hours of frantic effort that
it took to restore service, some seventy million telephone calls went uncompleted. Hackers where first suspected of
causing the crash but later AT&T engineers discovered the "culprit" was a bug in AT&T's own software.
[1990 Jan 18] Chicago task force raids an alleged computer hacker Craig Neidorf ('Knight Lightning') in St. Louis.
[1990 Feb] U.S. Secret Service raid an alleged computer hacker Len Rose ('Terminus') in Maryland. Len somehow got
his hands on System V 3.2 AT&T Unix Source Code, including the source login.c
[1990 Feb 21] Chicago Task Force raids the home of Robert Izenberg, an alleged computer hacker in Austin.
[1990 Mar 1] Chicago task force raids Steve Jackson Games, Inc. Reportedly, workers Loyd Blankenship ('The Mentor')
and Chris Goggans ('Erik Bloodaxe'), had ties to a hacker group (LOD) that the Justice Department was investigating.
Finding a rulebook to a game called G.U.R.P.S. CYBERPUNK , raiders interpreted the findings as a tutorial on computer
hacking and proceeded to seize equipment and documents found at the site. Steve Jackson Games, Inc. prevailed in an
ensuing legal battle, however their equipment was never returned in its entirety.
[1990 May 7] May 7 through Wednesday, May 9, the United States Secret Service and the Arizona Organized Crime and
Racketeering Bureau implement Operation Sundevil computer hacker raids in Cincinnati, Detroit, Los Angeles, Miami,
Newark, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Richmond, Tucson, San Diego, San Jose and San Francisco.
[1990 Mar 7] A 24 year-old Denver man, Richard G. Wittman Jr., has admitted breaking into a NASA computer system.
In a plea bargain, Wittman plead guilty to a single count of altering information - a password inside a federal computer.
[1990 Apr] Between April 1990 and May 1991, computer hackers from the Netherlands penetrated 34 DOD sites. At
many of the sites, the hackers had access to unclassified, sensitive information on such topics as military personnel- -
personnel performance reports, travel information, and personnel reductions; logistics- -descriptions of the type and
quantity of equipment being moved; and weapons systems development data.
[1990 May] At least four British clearing banks are being blackmailed by a mysterious group of computer hackers who
have broken into their central computer systems. The hackers demanded substantial sums of money in return for
showing the banks how their systems where penetrated. One computer expert described their level of expertise and
knowledge of the clearing bank computer systems as "truly frightening".
[1991] The Internet, having been established to link the military and educational institutions banned access to
businesses. That ban is lifted this year.
[1991] Rumors circulate about the Michelangelo virus, a program expected to crash computers on March 6, 1992, the
artist's 517th birthday. Doomsday passes without much incident.
[1991 Feb] DOS version of AOL released.
[1991 Apr 11] Kevin Poulsen ('Dark Dante') arrested for breaking into Pacific Bell phone systems.
[1991 Jul] Justin Petersen ('Agent Steal' and 'Eric Heinz') arrested for breaking into TRW, stealing credit cards.
[1991 Aug 6] Tim Berners- Lee's Usenet announcement of the World Wide Web project.
[1991 Sep] Justin Petersen released from prison to help FBI track hacker Kevin Mitnick .
[1991 Sep 17] Linus Torvalds publicly releases Linux version 0.01. While a computer science student at the University of
Helsinki Linus created the Linux operating. Linus originally named his operating system Freax.
[1991 Oct 5] Linus Torvalds decides to announce the availability of a free minix- like kernel called Linux on Usenet.
[1992] Masters of Deception (MOD) phone phreakers busted via wiretaps.
[1992] Morty Rosenfeld convicted after hacking into TRW, stealing credit card numbers and selling credit reports.
[1992 Jan 29] Minix creator, Andy Tanenbaum, posts the infamous LINUX is obsolete newsgroup posting on
comp.os.minix. Later, Linux creator Linus Torvalds quickly responds to the posting.
[1992 Nov] Kevin Mitnick cracks into California Department of Motor Vehicles.
[1993 Mar 1] Microsoft releases Windows NT.
[1993 Jun] Slackware , by Patrick Volkerding, becomes the first commercial standalone distribution of Linux .
[1993 Jul 9] The first Def Con hacking conference takes place in Las Vegas. The conference is meant to be a one- time
party to say good- bye to BBSs (now replaced by the Web), but the gathering is so popular it becomes an annual event.
[1993 Aug] Justin Petersen arrested for stealing computer access equipment.
[1993 Oct 28] Randal Schwartz uses Crack at Intel to crack passwords, later found guilty under an Oregon computer
crime law, and sentenced.
[1993 Dec] FreeBSD version 1.0 is released.
[1994] Red Hat is founded.
[1994] Linux 1.0 is released.
[1994 Jan 12] Mark Abene ('Phiber Optik') starts his one year sentence. As a founding member of the Masters of
Deception , Mark inspired thousands of teenagers around the country to "study" the internal workings of our nation's
phone system. A federal judge attempted to "send a message" to other hackers by sentencing Mark to a year in federal
prison, but the message got garbled: Hundreds of well-wishers attended a welcome- home party in Mark's honor at a
Manhattan Club. Soon after, New York magazine dubbed him one of the city's 100 smartest people. Other MOD
members: Elias Ladopoulos ('Acid Phreak'), Paul Stira ('Scorpion'), John Lee ('Corrupt'), Allen Wilson ('Wing'), 'The
Seeker', 'HAC', 'Red Knight', 'Lord Micro' and Julio Fernandez ('Outlaw').
[1994 Mar 23] 16-year-old music student Richard Pryce ('Datastream Cowboy') is arrested and charged with breaking
into hundreds of computers including those at the Griffiths Air Force base, NASA and the Korean Atomic Research
Institute. The Times of London reported that knowing he was about to be arrested, Richard "curled up on the floor and
cried." Pryce later pled guilty to 12 hacking offenses and fined $1,800. Later, Matthew Bevan ('Kuji'), mentor to Pryce
was finally tracked down and arrested. The charges against Bevan were later dropped and now he works as a computer
security consultant.
[1994 Jun 13] Vladimir Levin, a 23-year-old, led a Russian hacker group in the first publicly revealed international bank
robbery over a network. Stealing around 10 million dollars from Citibank , which claims to have recovered all but
$400,000 of the money. Levin was later caught and sentenced to 3 years in prison.
[1994 Aug] Justin Petersen electronically steals $150k from Heller Financial.
[1994 Sep] Netcom's (bought by MindSpring, MindSpring then bought by Earthlink) credit card database was on- line and
accessible to the unauthorized.
[1994 Dec 25] Kevin Mitnick (supposedly) cracks into Tsutomu Shimomura's computers. Mitnick was first suspected of
hacking into Tsutomu's computers in 1994 but an unknown Israeli hacker (friend to Mitnick) was later suspected. The
Israeli hacker was thought to be looking for the Oki cell phone disassembler written by Shimomura and wanted by
[1995 Jan 27] Kevin Mitnick cracks into the Well ; puts Shimomura's files and Netcom (bought by MindSpring, MindSpring
then bought by Earthlink) credit card numbers there.
[1995 Feb] Ex-LOD member, Corey Lindsly ('Mark Tabas') was the major ringleader in a computer hacker organization,
known as the 'Phonemasters', whose ultimate goal was to own the telecommunications infrastructure from coast- tocoast.
The group penetrated the systems of AT&T , British Telecom., GTE, MCI WorldCom, Sprint , Southwestern Bell
and systems owned by state and federal governmental agencies, to include the National Crime Information Center
(NCIC) computer. They broke into credit- reporting databases belonging to Equifax Inc. and TRW Inc. They entered
Nexis/Lexis databases and systems of Dun & Bradstreet . They had access to portions of the national power grid, airtraffic-
control systems and had hacked their way into a digital cache of unpublished phone numbers at the White House .
A federal court granted the FBI permission to use the first ever "data tap" to monitor the hacker's activities. These
hackers organized their assaults on the computers through teleconferencing and utilized the encryption program PGP to
hide the data which they traded with each other. On Sep. 16 1999 Corey Lindsly, age 32, of Portland, Oregon, was
sentenced to forty-one months imprisonment and ordered to pay $10,000 to the victim corporations. Other
'Phonemasters' members: John Bosanac ('Gatsby') from San Diego, Calvin Cantrell ('Zibby') and Brian Jaynes both
located in Dallas, Rudy Lombardi ('Bro') in Canada, Thomas Gurtler in Ohio. Calvin Cantrell, age 30, of Grand Prairie,
Texas, was sentenced to two years imprisonment and ordered to pay $10,000 to the victim corporations. John Bosanac
got 18 months.
[1995 Feb 15] Kevin Mitnick arrested and charged with obtaining unauthorized access to computers belonging to
numerous computer software and computer operating systems manufacturers, cellular telephone manufacturers, Internet
Service Providers, and educational institutions; and stealing, copying, and misappropriating proprietary computer
software from Motorola , Fujitsu , Nokia, Sun , Novell , and NEC. Mitnick was also in possession of 20,000 credit card
[1995 Mar 18] SATAN (Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks) security tool released to the Internet by Dan
Farmer and Wietse Venema . The release stirs huge debate about security auditing tools being given to the public.
[1995 May 5] Chris Lamprecht ('Minor Threat') becomes 1st person banned from Internet. Chris was sentenced for a
number of crimes to which he pled guilty. The crimes involved the theft and sale of Southwestern Bell circuit boards. In
the early 1990s Chris wrote a program called ToneLoc (Tone Locator), a phone dialing program modeled on the program
Matthew Broderick used in the movie WarGames to find open modem lines in telephone exchanges.
[1995 Aug 16] French student Damien Doligez cracks 40-bit RC4 encryption. The challenge presented the encrypted
data of a Netscape session, using the default exportable mode, 40-bit RC4 encryption. Doligez broke the code in eight
days using 112 workstations.
[1995 Sep 11] 22-year-old Golle Cushing ('Alpha Bits') arrested for selling credit card and cell phone info.
[1995 Sep 17] Ian Goldberg and David Wagner broke the pseudo- random number generator of Netscape Navigator 1.1.
They get the session key in a few hours on a single workstation.
[1995 Nov 15] On November 15, Christopher Pile becomes the first person to be jailed for writing and distributing a
computer virus. Pile, who called himself the 'Black Baron', was sentenced to 18 months in jail.
[1996] The internet now has over 16 million hosts and is growing rapidly.
[1996] Icanet, a company that designed Internet sites for public schools, was threatened by an extortionist in Germany.
The deal: If Icanet agreed to buy his computer security program for $30,000, the hacker would not devastate the
company's computers. In April, Andy Hendrata, a 27-year-old Indonesian computer science student in Germany, was
convicted of computer sabotage and attempted extortion. He received a one- year suspended sentence and was fined
[1996] The U.S. General Accounting Office reports that hackers attempted to break into Defense Department computer
files some 250,000 times in 1995 alone. About 65 percent of the attempts were successful, according to the report.
[1996 Mar 6] United Press International (UPI) reveals that a hacker called 'u4ea' and also known as 'el8ite', 'eliteone',
'el8' and 'b1ff' on- line has been threatening to crash systems at the Boston Herald newspaper and several Internet
Service providers in the Boston, Massachusetts area. Reports indicate that the hacker may have covertly entered up to
100 Internet sites and desytroyed files on many of them. An investigation is initiated by the NYPD Computer Crimes
[1996 Apr 4] According to prosecutors, 19-year-old Christopher Schanot of St. Louis, Missouri, hacked into national
computer networks, military computers, and the TRW and Sprint credit reporting service.
[1996 Apr 5] 19-year-old Christopher Schanot ('N00gz') a St. Louis honor student indicted in Philadelphia for computer
fraud, illegal wiretapping, unauthorized access to many corporate and government computers including Southwestern
Bell, BELLCORE, Sprint , and SRI .
[1996 Apr 19] Hackers break into the NYPD’ s phone system and change the taped message that greeted callers. The
new message said, "officers are too busy eating doughnuts and drinking coffee to answer the phones." It directed callers
to dial 119 in an emergency.
[1996 Jul 5] First known Excel virus, called Laroux is found.
[1996 Jul 31] Tim Lloyd plants software time bomb at Omega Engineering in NJ; First federal computer sabotage case.
The software time bomb destroyed the company's computer network and the global manufacturer's ability to
manufacture in the summer of 1996. The attack caused the company $12 million in losses and cost 80 employees their
jobs. Lloyd received 41 months in jail. He also was ordered to pay more than $2 million in restitution.
[1996 Aug 22] Eric Jenott , a Fort Bragg, NC paratrooper is accused of hacking U.S. Army systems and furnishing
passwords to a citizen of communist China. Eric's attorney says the Fort Bragg soldier is just a computer hacker who
tested the strength of a supposedly impenetrable computer system, found a weakness and then told his superiors about
it. Eric was later cleared of the spy charges, but found guilty of damaging government property and computer fraud.
[1996 Sep] Johan Helsingius closes, the world's most popular anonymous remailer, was raided by the
Finnish police in 1995 after the Church of Scientology complained that a customer was posting the church's
secrets on the Net. Helsingius closed the remailer after a Finnish court ruled he must reveal the customer's real e-mail
[1996 Sep 6] DoS attack against, a New York- based ISP. An attacker used a single computer to send
thousands of copies of a simple message that computers use to start a two-way dialog. The Panix machines receiving
the messages had to allocate so much computer capacity to handle the dialogs that they used up their resources and
were disabled.
[1996 Sep 25] Kevin Mitnick indicted for damaging computers at USC. Mitnick was charged with 14 counts of wire fraud,
arising from his alleged theft of proprietary software from manufacturers. The charges also accuse him of damaging
USC's computers and "stealing and compiling" numerous electronic files containing passwords.
[1997] AOHell is released, a freeware application that allows a burgeoning community of unskilled hackers -- or script
kiddies -- to wreak havoc on America Online (AOL).
[1997 Jan 28] Ian Goldberg , a University of California-Berkeley graduate student, took on RSA Data Security's challenge
and cracked the 40-bit code by linking together 250 idle workstations that allowed him to test 100 billion possible "keys"
per hour. In three and a half hours Goldberg had decoded the message, which read, "This is why you should use a
longer key."
[1997 Feb 5] Members of the Chaos Computer Club, the infamous hacking elite of Germany, demonstrated an ActiveX
hacking program that allowed them to access copies of Quicken , the accounting software package from Intuit, and
transfer money between bank accounts, without needing to enter the normal password security systems of Quicken.
[1997 Mar 10] Hacker named 'Jester' has the first federal charges brought against a juvenile for a computer crime.
'Jester' cuts off the FAA tower at Worcester Airport and sentenced to paying restitution to the telephone company and
complete 250 hours of community service.
[1997 Apr 21] A hacker named 'Joka' managed to trick America Online to briefly shut down a site run by the Texas
branch of the Ku Klux Klan, forcing the AOL to act, for security reasons, after it had declined to do so in response to
widespread criticism that the site contains offensive material.
[1997 May 23] Carlos Felipe Salgado, Jr., 36, who used the on- line name 'Smak', allegedly inserted a sniffer program
that gathered the credit information from a dozen companies selling products over the Internet. Carlos gathered 100,000
credit card numbers along with enough information to use them, said the FBI.
[1997 Jun] Netcom (bought by MindSpring, MindSpring then bought by Earthlink) voice-mail hacked by 'Mr Nobody'. The
15-year-old intruder claimed he has been inside Netcom's voice-mail for two years. There, he cracked into numerous
mailboxes via his telephone key pad and used the system to break into third-party telephone switches to make longdistance
[1997 Oct 31] Eugene Kashpureff arrested for redirecting the NSI web page to his Alternic web site. Kashpureff designed
a corruption of the software system that allows Internet- linked computers to communicate with each other. By exploiting
a weakness in that software, Kashpureff hijacked Internet users attempting to reach the web site for InterNIC, his chief
commercial competitor, to his AlterNIC web site, impeding those users' ability to register web site domain names or to
review InterNIC's popular "electronic directory" for existing domain names.
[1997 Dec] Julio Ardita ('El Griton') a 21 year old Argentinean was sentenced to a three- year probation for hacking into
computer systems belonging to Harvard , NASA , Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Naval Command, Control and
Ocean Surveillance Center.
[1997 Dec 8] is defaced by 'pantz' and 'h4gis'.
[1998] Two hackers, Hao Jinglong and Hao Jingwen (twin brothers) are sentenced to death by a court in China for
breaking into a bank computer network and stealing 720,000 yuan ($87,000). The Yangzhou Intermediate People ’s
Court in eastern Jiangsu province of China rejected an appeal of Hao Jingwen and upholding a death sentence against
him. Jingwen and his brother, Hao Jinglong, hacked into the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China computers and
shifted 720,000 yuan ($87,000) into accounts they had set up under phoney names. In September of 1998, they
withdrew 260,000 yuan ($31,400) of those funds. Hao Jinglong ’s original sentence to death was suspended in return for
his testimony.
[1998 Jan 1] Mark Abene ('Phiber Optik'), a security expert, launched a command to check a client's password files—and
ended up broadcasting the instruction to thousands of computers worldwide. Many of the computers obligingly sent him
their password files. Abene explained that the command was the result of a misconfigured system, and that he had no
intention of generating a flood of password files into his mailbox.
[1998 Jan 16] Tallahassee Freenet hacked. TFN was attacked by a person or persons whose intent was clearly to
destroy all of the files on the system. Before the attacks were stopped by bringing the system offline, thousands of user
home directories, many system files, and all of the user spool mail had been deleted.
[1998 Feb 25] MIT Plasma & Fusion Center (PSFC) and DoD computers hacked by Ehud Tenebaum ('Analyzer'). The
MIT computer was running an old version of Linux , the vulnerability which facilitated intrusion. After gaining access to an
account, the hackers took advantage of other security holes and installed a packet- sniffer. The hackers were able to
collect user names and passwords to computers outside the network.
[1998 Feb. 26] Solar Sunrise, a series of attacks targeting Pentagon computers, leads to the establishment of round- theclock,
online guard duty at major military computer sites.
[1998 Feb 27] The 56-bit DES- II-1 challenge by RSA Data Security was completed by a massively distributed array of
computers coordinating their brute- force attacks via the "organization." The cleartext message read,
"Many hands make light work." The participants collectively examined 6.3 x 10^16 keys—fully 90 percent of the entire
keyspace—in about 40 days.
[1998 Mar 3] Santa Rosa Internet Service Provider NetDex rehacked by Ehud Tenebaum ('Analyzer'), in retaliation over
the arrest of his two U.S. hacker friends ('Cloverdale Two').
[1998 Mar 18] Ehud Tenebaum ('The Analyzer'), an Israeli teen-ager is arrested in Israel. During heightened tensions in
the Persian Gulf, hackers touch off a string of break- ins to unclassified Pentagon computers and steal software
programs. Officials suspect him of working in concert with American teens to break into Pentagon computers. Then-U.S.
Deputy Defense Secretary John Hamre calls it "the most organized and systematic attack" on U.S. military systems to
date. An investigation points to two American teens. A 19-year-old Israeli hacker who calls himself 'The Analyzer' (Ehud
Tenebaum) is eventually identified as their ringleader and arrested. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls
Tenebaum "damn good ... and very dangerous." The attacks exploited a well-known vulnerability in the Solaris operating
system for which a patch had been available for months. Today Tenebaum is chief technology officer of a computer
consulting firm.
[1998 Mar 20] Two teenagers hack T-Online, the online service run by Germany's national telephone company, and steal
information about hundreds of bank accounts. The two 16-year-old hackers bragged about their exploits, calling
Deutsche Telekom's security for the online service "absolutely primitive".
[1998 Apr] Shawn Hillis, 26, of Orlando, Florida, a former employee of NASA contractor Lockheed Martin Corp., pled
guilty in Federal district court to using a NASA workstation at the Kennedy Space Center to gain unauthorized access to
computer networks of several Orlando businesses.
[1998 Apr 20] An Alabama juvenile hacker launches an e-mail bomb attack consisting of 14,000 e-mail messages across
a NASA network against another person using network systems in a commercial domain. The youth was later ordered to
probationary conditions for 12 months.
[1998 Apr 22] The MoD criminal hacker group (Masters of Downloading, not to be confused with the 1980's group
Masters of Deception) claimed to have broken into a number of military networks, including the DISN (Defense
Information Systems Network); and the DEM (DISN Equipment Manager), which controls the military's global positioning
satellites (GPSs).
[1998 May] Members from the Boston hacker group, L0pht (now @stake ), testify before the U.S. Senate about Internet
[1998 May 30] A criminal hacker used the sheer size of AOL's technical support (6,000 people) to social engineer his
way into the ACLU's web site. The attacker repeatedly phoned AOL until he found a support technician foolish enough to
grant access to the targeted web site, which was wiped out as a result of the attack.
[1998 Jun 30] Former Coast Guard employee, Shakunla DeviSingla, entered a personnel database she had helped
design. DeviSingla used her experience and a former co-worker ’ s password and other identification to delete data. Her
action required 115 employees and 1800 hours to recover the deleted information
[1998 Jul 31] During Def Con 6 The Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc) release Back Orifice (BO), a tool for analyzing and
compromising Windows security.
[1998 Sep 13] Hackers deface The New York Times ( web site, renaming it HFG (Hacking for Girls).
The hackers express anger at the arrest and imprisonment of Kevin Mitnick, the subject of the book 'Takedown ' coauthored
by Times reporter John Markoff . In early November, two members of HFG told Forbes magazine that they
initiated the attack because they were bored and couldn't agree on a video to watch.
[1998 Sep 17] Aaron Blosser a contract programmer and self-described "math geek" harnessed over 2,500 U S West
computers by installing a program that would utilize their idle time to find very large prime numbers. Their combined
computational power in theory surpassed that of most supercomputers. Blosser enlisted 2,585 computers to work at
various times during the day and night and quickly ran up 10.63 years of computer processing time in his search for a
new prime number. "I've worked on this (math) problem for a long time," said Blosser. "When I started working at U S
West, all that computational power was just too tempting for me."
[1998 Oct 1] Hackers calling themselves the Electronic Disruption Theater allege the Pentagon used illegal offensive
information warfare techniques (DDoS attack)- - a charge DoD officials deny- - to thwart the group's recent computer
[1998 Nov] The 'Cloverdale Two' sentenced to 3 years probation, the two Cloverdale, California teens ('Makaveli' and
'Too Short') hacked dozens of computer systems, including ones run by the Pentagon . It was later discovered that the
infamous Israeli hacker, Ehud Tenebaum ('Analyzer') was the mastermind and mentor to the teens.
[1999 Feb 1] Canadian teen charged in Smurf attack of Sympatico ISP. Smurf attacks are when a malicious Internet user
fools hundreds or thousands of systems into sending traffic to one location, flooding the location with pings. The attack
was eventually traced to the teen's home.
[1999 Feb 15] 15-year-old from Vienna hacks into Clemson University's system and tries breaking into NASA .
[1999 Mar 18] Jay Satiro, an 18-year-old high school dropout was charged with computer tampering after hacking into
the internal computers of America Online and altering some programs. Jay pled guilty and was sentenced to one year in
jail and five years without a home PC.
[1999 Mar 26] Melissa virus affects 100,000 email users and caused $80 million in damages; written by David Smith a
29-year-old New Jersey computer programmer. The virus known as Melissa, was named after a Florida stripper.
[1999 Apr] Ikenna Iffih, age 28, of Boston, Massachusetts, was charged with using his home computer to illegally gain
access to a number of computers, including those controlled by NASA and an agency of the U.S. Department of
Defense , where, among other things, he allegedly intercepted login names and passwords, and intentionally caused
delays and damage in communications. On November 17, 2000, he was sentenced to 6 months home detention, placed
on supervised release for 48 months, and ordered to pay $5,000 in restitution.
[1999 Apr 26] CIH virus released by Chen Ing-Hou, the creator of the CIH virus, that takes his initials. This was the first
known virus to target the flash BIOS.
[1999 May] The Napster peer- to-peer MP3 file-sharing system, used mainly to copy and swap unencrypted files of songs
for free, begins to gain popularity, primarily on college campuses where students have easy access to high-speed
Internet connections. It was created by Northeastern University students Shawn Fanning and Sean Parker, age 19 and
20, respectively. Before being shut down on July 2, 2001, Napster, had attracted 85 million registered users downloading
as many as 3 billion songs a month.
[1999 May 11] defaced by Global Hell.
[1999 Jul 10] Back Orifice 2000 released at Def Con 7.
[1999 Aug 30] Microsoft Corporation shuts down its Hotmail operation for approximately two hours. The shut down
comes after receiving confirmed reports that hackers breached some of their servers by entering Hotmail accounts
through third-party Internet providers without using passwords.
[1999 Aug 19] ABC news web site defaced by United Loan Gunmen.
[1999 Sep 5] C-Span web site defaced by United Loan Gunmen.
[1999 Sep 13] Drudge Report web site defaced by United Loan Gunmen
[1999 Sep 23] Nasdaq and American Stock Exchange web sites defaced by United Loan Gunmen.
[1999 Nov] 15-year-old Norwegian, Jon Johansen , one of the three founding members of MoRE (Masters of Reverse
Engineering), the trio of programmers who created a huge stir in the DVD marketplace by releasing DeCSS , a program
used to crack the Content Scrambling System (CSS) encryption used to protect every DVD movie on the market. On
Jan. 24, 2000 authorities in Norway raid Johansen's house and take computer equipment.


[2000 Jan 15] 19-year-old Raphael Gray ('Curador') steals over 23,000 credit card numbers from 8 small companies.
Raphael styled himself as a "saint of e-commerce", as he hacked into U.S., British and Canadian companies during a
"crusade" to expose holes in Internet security and who used computer billionaire Bill Gates' credit card details to send
him Viagra.
[2000 Feb 7] 16-year-old Canadian hacker nicknamed 'Mafiaboy ', carried out his distributed denial-of-service (DDoS)
spree using attack tools available on the Internet that let him launch a remotely coordinated blitz of 1-gigabits- per-second
flood of IP packet requests from "zombie" servers which knocked Yahoo off- line for over 3 hours. After pleding guilty
'Mafiaboy' was sentenced on Sep. 12 2001 to eight months in a youth detention center.
[2000 Feb 9] Two days later the DDoS attacks continued, this time hitting eBay , Amazon ,, ZDNet , CNN,
E*Trade and MSN.
[2000 May] GAO (General Accounting Office) auditors were able to gain access to sensitive personal information from
the Department of Defense (DOD) through a file that was publicly available over the Internet. The auditors tapped into
this file without valid user authentication and gained access to employee's Social Security numbers, addresses and pay
[2000 May 15] Love Bug virus sent from Philippines; AMA computer college. Michael Buen & Onel de Guzman are
suspected of writing the virus.
[2000 Jun 1] Qualcomm in San Diego hacked by University of Wisconsin-Madison student Jerome Heckenkamp
[2000 Jun 15] An Information Technology consultant breached the security of British internet service provider Redhotant
to expose security lapses. He managed to obtain the names, addresses, passwords and credit card details of more than
24,000 people, including military scientists, government officials, and top company executives just to show it could be
done. The hacker said breaching the site's security was "child's play".
[2000 Jul 18] AOL , based in Vienna, Virginia, confirmed that records for more than 500 so-called screen names of its
customers had been hacked. Those records typically contain information such as a customer's name, address and the
credit card number used to open the account.
[2000 Jul 7] Utilities firm Powergen located in the UK was forced to ask thousands of its customers to cancel credit cards
after a web site blunder left a database of card details exposed.
[2000 Jul 24] Andrew Miffleton ('Daphtpunk'), age 25, of Arlington, Texas was sentenced in federal court to 21 months
imprisonment and ordered to pay a $3,000.00 fine. Miffleton associated himself with a group known as "the Darkside
Hackers", who were interested in using unauthorized access devices to fraudulently obtain cellular telephone service
through cloned cellular telephones or long distance telephone service through stolen calling card numbers.
[2000 Aug 17] United States District Judge Lewis Kaplan in New York bars Eric Corley ('Emmanuel Goldstein'), publisher
of 2600 magazine , from republishing software hacks that circumvent DVD industry encryptions. The code would enable
movies to be more readily copied and exchanged as data files on the Internet.
[2000 Sep 5] A 21-year-old New Rochelle, New York man was sentenced to four months in prison for breaking into two
computers owned by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1998 and using one to host Internet chat rooms devoted to
hacking, prosecutors said. Raymond Torricelli ('rolex') was a member of the hacking group '#conflict' which used their
computers to electronically alter the results of the annual MTV Movie Awards . Additionally, over 76,000 discrete
passwords were found on Raymond's personal computer.
[2000 Sep 6] Patrick W. Gregory ('MostHateD'), age 20, pled guilty for his role as a founding member of a hacking ring
called GlobalHell and is sentenced to 26 months imprisonment, three years supervised release, and was ordered to pay
$154,529.86 in restitution. GlobalHell is said to have caused at least $1.5 million in damages to various U.S. corporations
and government entities, including the White House and the U.S. Army . Gregory, a high school dropout who has said he
wants to start his own computer security business, admits in a plea agreement to stealing telephone conferencing
services from AT&T , MCI , and Latitude Communications and holding conference calls between 1997 and May 1999 with
other hackers around the country.
[2000 Sep 26] Jason Diekman ('Shadow Knight', 'Dark Lord') arrested after Federal agents discovered evidence on
Diekman ’ s computers indicating that he intercepted usernames and passwords from universities, including Harvard
University. In a statement he made to investigators, Diekman admitted that he had hacked into "hundreds, maybe
thousands" of computers, including systems at JPL, Stanford , Harvard , Cornell University, the California State University
at Fullerton, and University of California campuses in Los Angeles and San Diego. On February 4, 2002, Diekman was
sentenced to 21 months in federal prison, three years supervised release, restricted use of the computer and over
$87,000 in restitution.
[2000 Oct] Microsoft admits that its corporate network has been hacked and source code for future Windows products
has been seen. Hacker suspeted to be from St Petersburg.
[2000 Oct 10] FBI lure 2 Russian hackers to their arrest in Seattle, after it was determined that Alexei Ivanov, 20, and
Vasiliy Gorshkov, 25, spent two years victimizing American businesses. The FBI established a bogus computer security
firm that they named, fittingly enough, Invita. They leased office space in downtown Seattle and immediately called
Ivanov in Russia about possible employment as a hacker. The FBI communicated with Gorshkov and Ivanov, by e-mail
and telephone during the summer and fall of 2000. The men agreed to a face- to- face meeting and on Nov. 10, Gorshkov
and Ivanov flew to Seattle and went directly to a two-hour "job interview" with undercover FBI agents who were posing
as Invita staff. The Russians were asked to further demonstrate their hacking skills on an IBM Thinkpad provided by the
agents. The hackers happily complied and communicated with their home server back in Chelyabinsk, unaware that the
laptop they were using was running a "sniffer" program that recorded their every keystroke. The FBI agents' descriptions
of the meeting portray Ivanov and Gorshkov as not only blissfully ignorant of their impending arrest, but also somewhat
cocky about their hacking skills. At one point in the meeting, as Gorshkov glibly detailed how he and Ivanov extorted
money from a U.S. Internet service provider after hacking into its servers, he told the room of undercover agents that
"the FBI could not get them in Russia."
[2000 Oct 28] After 9 million hack attempts security web site AntiOnline is defaced by Australian hacker 'ron1n' ('n1nor').
AntiOnline was deemed "unhackable" by the sites owner, John Vranesevich , but a poorly coded cgi script(s) written by
Vranesevich led to the hack.
[2000 Nov 7] A 19-year-old Dutch hacker named 'Dimitri' broke in to Microsoft ’s internal web servers with intentions to
show the company its vulnerability due to not installing their own patches.
[2000 Dec 13] More than 55,000 numbers were stolen from, which processes credit transactions for
online companies. About 25,000 of them were posted online when an extortion payment was not made.
[2000 Dec 24] Exigent International , a U.S. government contractor, acknowledged that one or more cyberthieves broke
into a restricted federal computer system and stole the company's proprietary code for controlling satellite systems. The
software, known as OS/COMET, allows ground- control personnel to communicate and send commands to satellites and
rockets. The U.S. Air Force has plans to use the OS/COMET software to control the NAVSTAR Global Positioning
System from its Colorado Springs Monitor Station, which is part of the Air Force Space Command.
[2001 Feb 1] Hackers invade World Economic Forum. The compromised data included credit card numbers, personal
cell phone numbers and information concerning passports and travel arrangements for a number of government and
business leaders. Among the notable victims whose personal information was pilfered were Microsoft chairman Bill
Gates , Palestinian Authority chairman Yasser Arafat, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, former U.S. Secretary of State
Madeline Albright and former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres.
[2001 Feb 12] Anna Kournikova virus released by 20-year-old Dutchman Jan de Wit ('OnTheFly') who was later arrested
and sentenced to 150 hours of community service.
[2001 Mar 1] FBI reports that 40 e-commerce sites located in 20 U.S. states were cracked by eastern Europe hackers,
have stolen more than one million credit card numbers from U.S. e-commerce and banking websites.
[2001 Mar 7] Jesus Oquendo ('Sil'), age 27, of Queens, New York was convicted and sentenced to 27 months in
Manhattan federal court on charges of computer hacking and electronic eavesdropping of victim company Five Partners
Asset Management LLC ("Five Partners"), a venture capital company based in Manhattan. Oquendo left the victim a
taunting message on its network: "Hello, I have just hacked into your system. Have a nice day."
[2001 May 1] Chinese and U.S. hackers attack each other because of the U.S. spy plane that had to make an
emergency landing in China after the U.S. plane collides with and kills Chinese fighter pilot Wang Wei .
[2001 May 4] Gibson Security Research Corp came under attack (DDOS) and taken off- line by a 13-year-old hacker, at
first due to a mistaken belief that Steve Gibson had called him a name, then simply because it was fun.
[2001 May 11] Solaris/IIS worm infects Solaris boxes up to version 7, and then scans for IIS machines susceptible to the
folder traversal vulnerability and then replaces the default web page.
[2001 May 15] Hackers attack University of Washington and put file sharing program on its computers.
[2001 May 17] 'Fluffy Bunny' hacker group hacks and .
[2002 May 21] Max Butler ('Max Vision' and 'The Equalizer') was sentenced to 18 months in prison for launching an
Internet worm that crawled through hundreds of military and defense contractor computers over a few days in 1998. Max
Butler also lived three lives for five years. As 'Max Vision', he was an incredibly skilled hacker and security expert who
boasted that he'd never met a computer system he couldn't crack. As 'The Equalizer', he was an FBI informant, reporting
on the activities of other hackers. As Max Butler, he was a family man in Santa Clara, California who ran a Silicon Valley
security firm. At Max Vision Network Security, he specialized in running "penetration tests," attempting to break into
corporate networks to prove that their security wasn't as good as it could be.
[2001 Jun 9] Los Angeles Times newspaper reports that hackers attacked a computer system that controls much of the
flow of electricity across California ’ s power grid for seventeen days or more during the state’ s worse days of the power
crisis. According to the Times, the discover was ade on Friday, May 11 and that it was determined that attackes began
as early as Wednesday, April 25. The attack appears to have primarily by an individual associated to China ’ s
Guangdong province and routed through China Telecom. The 17-day intrusion into the networks running California's
leading electric power grid has caused considerable concern among state and federal bureaucrats.
[2001 Jun 15] Christine Gunhus, the wife of an U.S. senator, pleads no contest to charges of using a pseudonym to send
e-mail messages that disparaged her husband's Democratic rival.
[2001 Jun 20] U.S. security company ZixIt reported that a database holding details of customers' credit cards had been
[2001 Jul 12] Notorious hacker group World of Hell managed to deface 679 web sites in just one minute.
[2001 Jul 17] Code Red worm is released. The worm exploits vulnerabilities in the Microsoft Internet Information Server
IIS. The worm got its name from "Code Red" Mountain Dew which was used to stay awake by the hackers that
disassembled the exploit.
[2001 Jul 16] 27-year old Russian programmer Dmitry Sklyarov arrested at Def Con 9 for creating a program to copy
Adobe electronic books. He was charged with violating the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Demitry was later
released, as part of the agreement, Sklyarov will testify for the government in the case that remains against ElcomSoft ,
the company that sells the copying software.
[2001 Aug 21] Washington- based Riggs bank has its Visa customer database stolen by hackers.
[2001 Sep 18] Nimda worm (admin backwards) starts to spread, infecting Microsoft IIS servers that are open to known
software vulnerabilities.
[2001 Nov 20] Hackers access's credit card data. The hacking group 'ingreslock 1524' claim responsibility.
[2001 Nov 20] 25 church web sites hacked by Hacking for Satan group.
[2001 Dec 8] Federal prosecutors accuse one time Los Alamos National Laboratory employee Jerome Heckenkamp of
breaking into Qualcomm and other corporate computer systems while he was a student. Heckenkamp, they say called
himself 'MagicFX'. When school police asked for the password for his personal computer. Court records say
Heckenkamp chuckled when he gave it up. "Hackme," he told them. Jerome is also suspected of hacking into a halfdozen
other companies, including eBay Inc. and E*Trade Inc., over a nine-month period.
[2001 Nov 26] 2 former Cisco accountants sentenced to 34 months for breaking into company computers and stealing
[2002 Feb 25] A 17-year-old female hacker, from Belgium, calling herself 'Gigabyte' takes credit for writing the first-ever
virus, called 'Sharpei', written in Microsoft's newest programming language C# (C sharp).
[2002 Jul 11] Hackers broke into USA Today's web site and replaced several of the newspaper's legitimate news stories
with phony articles. Israeli hackers were suspeted.
[2002 Jul 25] Princeton University admissions officials gained unauthorized access to a web site at rival Yale University
containing personal information about applicants to the Ivy League school, according to officials at both institutions.
[2002 Jul 30] Copies of OpenSSH are trojaned. OpenSSH is a popular, free version of the SSH (Secure Shell)
communications suite and is used as a secure replacement for protocols such as Telnet, Rlogin, Rsh, and Ftp. The main
openBSD ( mirror was compromised, after developers noticed that the checksum of the package had
[2002 Aug 2] Italian police arrest 14 suspected hackers who are accused of thousands of computer intrusions, including
attacks on the U.S. Army and Navy and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. They were all members of
two hacking groups, called Mentor and Reservoir Dogs .
[2002 Aug 17] Federal law enforcement authorities searched the computers of a San Diego security firm that used the
Internet to access government and military computers without authorization over the summer. Investigators from the FBI,
the Army and NASA visited the offices of ForensicTec Solutions Inc. seeking details about how the company gained
access to computers at Fort Hood in Texas and at the Energy Department, NASA and other government facilities. The
searches began hours after it was reported that ForensicTec consultants used free software to identify vulnerable
computers and then peruse hundreds of confidential files containing military procedures, e-mail, Social Security numbers
and financial data, according to records maintained by the company. While ForensicTec officials said they wanted to help
the government and "get some positive exposure for themselves," authorities are pursuing the matter as a criminal case.
[2002 Aug 28] The Recording Industry Association of America's (RIAA) web site is defaced , and copyrighted mp3s are
uploaded to the server. The RIAA along with the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), has won many critics
online in its quest to shut down popular file- trading networks such as Napster .
[2002 Sep 20] Samir Rana ('Torner') a 21 year-old London hacker is arrested following a year- long investigation into the
creation of the Linux rootkit program called Tornkit and on suspicion of being a member of the infamous hacker group
Fluffy Bunny. It was later reporter that Rana owned the pink stuffed toy depicted in website defacements by Fluffy
[2002 Sep 23] A UK hacker received an 18-month prison sentence for corporate sabotage. Stephen Carey, a 28-year-old
computer engineer from Eastbourne, Sussex, is sentenced to 18 months for hacking into a firm's database and
modifying information.
[2002 Oct 4] Hacker Vasily Gorshkov, 27, of Chelyabinsk, Russia, is sentenced to three years in prison for convictions
on 20 counts of conspiracy, fraud and related computer crimes. Gorshkov is also ordered to pay restitution of nearly
$700,000 for losses he caused to Speakeasy Network of Seattle, and the online credit card payment company PayPal .
[2002 Oct 8] CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) advisory is released detailing the discovery of a back door
(trojan horse) found in the source code files of Sendmail 8.12.6.
[2002 Oct 16] Microsoft admits to being hacked. The security breach took place on a server that hosts Microsoft's
Windows beta community, which allows more than 20,000 Windows users a chance to test software that is still in
[2002 Oct 21] A distributed denial-of-service (Dee-Dos) attack, lasting one hour, sent a barrage of data at the 13 domainname
service root servers. The attack was in the form of an ICMP flood, which was blocked by many of the root servers,
preventing any real loss of network performance.
[2002 Nov 12] Gary McKinnon ('Solo'), 36, of London, an unemployed British sysadmin was indicted for what US
authorities describe as the "biggest hack of military computers ever detected". From February 2001 until March 2002,
McKinnon allegedly exploited poorly- secured Windows systems to attack 92 networks run by NASA , the Pentagon and
12 other military installation scattered over 14 states. Private sector businesses were also affected by the alleged
attacks, which caused an estimated $900,000 in damage overall. Prosecutors said that McKinnon "stole passwords,
deleted files, monitored traffic and shut down computer networks on military bases from Pearl Harbour to Connecticut".
[2002 Nov 22] Lisa Chen, a 52-year-old Taiwanese woman who pleaded no contest in one of the largest software piracy
cases in the U.S. was sentenced to nine years in prison, one of the longest sentences ever for a case involving software
piracy. Chen was arrested along with three associates in November 2001 after local sheriffs seized hundreds of
thousands of copies of pirated software worth more than $75 million, software that Chen smuggled from Taiwan.
[2002 Dec 17] A jury acquitted ElcomSoft, Russian software company, of criminal copyright charges related to selling a
program that can crack antipiracy protections on electronic books. The case against ElcomSoft is considered a crucial
test of the criminal provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), a controversial law designed to extend
copyright protections into the digital age.
[2003 Jan 21] Computer hacker Kevin Mitnick is goes online for the first time in nearly a decade. He was captured in a
raid and sent to jail for almost five years for computer crimes against companies including Sun Microsystems and
Motorola . The prison term was followed by another three and a half years of restrictions regarding Mitnick's access to
computers and the Internet.
[2003 Jan 21] Simon Vallor , 22, a British Web designer was sentenced to two years in prison for writing one of the
world's most destructive viruses which wiped out computers worldwide. Vallor was the author of 3 viruses -- "Gokar,"
"Redesi," and "Admirer" -- "Gokar" spread the most widely and was at one point ranked as the third most prevalent virus
of all time.
[2003 Feb 6] Douglas Boudreau, 21, allegedly installed keystroke monitoring software on more than 100 computers at
Boston College and then watched as thousands of people sent e-mail, downloaded files and banked online. He was later
indicted on charges he placed software on dozens of computers that allowed him to secretly monitor what people were
typing, and then stole around $2,000 using information he gleaned.
[2003 Feb 7] Two hackers who broke into Riverside County, Calif., court computers and electronically dismissed a
variety of pending cases plead guilty to the crime. Both William Grace, 22, and Brandon Wilson, 28, were sentenced to
nine years in jail after pleading guilty to 72 counts of illegally entering a computer system and editing data, along with
seven counts of conspiracy to commit extortion
[2003 Feb 10] Twice in the past two weeks, online vandals- -like the ones who tagged many Web sites with "Free Kevin!"
graffiti during Mitnick's time in prison- -broke into the Web server of the former hacker's security start-up, Defensive
Thinking .
[2003 Feb 18] It's reported that a hacker ("unauthorized intruder") gained access to some 8 million credit card account
numbers — including Visa, MasterCard and American Express — by breaching the security of a company that processes
transactions for merchants, the card companies said.
[2003 Mar 7] Online attackers stole information on more than 55,000 students and faculty from insecure database
servers at the University of Texas at Austin.
[2003 Apr 29] New Scotland Yard said Wednesday they arrested 24-year-old Lynn Htun at a London convention center,
the site of InfoSecurity Europe 2003. Law enforcement and Internet security professionals said they believe Htun is the
mastermind of the “Fluffi Bunni ” hacking exploits, hacking into sites ranging from those of McDonalds Corp to Internet
security specialists SANS Institute and Symantec Corp’s virus detection group SecurityFocus .
[2003 Jun 12] Web designer John Racine II, 24, admitted diverting traffic and e-mails from al-Jazeera's Arabic Web site
to a site he had designed called "Let Freedom Ring" and bearing the U.S. flag. John carried out this attack on the al-
Jazeera Web site during the Iraq war because the Arab satellite TV network had shown pictures of dead and captured
American soldiers.
[2003 Jul 6] Internet experts brace for hacker contest. The assault is being billed as a contest to see who can deface
6,000 Web sites in six hours. The widely publicised hacking contest which encouraged vandals to deface websites
ended without causing serious trouble.
posted by @dhe @ 17.06  
Sejarah Prosesor Intel
Sabtu, 14 Juli 2007
Berikut adalah sedikit sejarah perkembangan prosesor Intel dan para clone-nya yang berhasil disarikan

• Debut Intel dimulai dengan processor seri MCS4 yang merupakan cikal bakal dari prosesor i4040. Processor 4 bit ini yang direncanakan untuk menjadi otak calculator , pada tahun yang sama (1971), intel membuat revisi ke i440. Awalnya dipesan oleh sebuah perusahaan Jepang untuk pembuatan kalkulator , ternyata prosesor ini jauh lebih hebat dari yang diharapkan sehingga Intel membeli hak guna dari perusahaan Jepang tersebut untuk perkembangan dan penelitian lebih lanjut. Di sinilah cikal bakal untuk perkembangan ke arah prosesor komputer.

• Berikutnya muncul processor 8 bit pertama i8008 (1972), tapi agak kurang disukai karena multivoltage.. lalu baru muncul processor i8080, disini ada perubahan yaitu jadi triple voltage, pake teknologi NMOS (tidak PMOS lagi), dan mengenalkan pertama kali sistem clock generator (pake chip tambahan), dikemas dalam bentuk DIP Array 40 pins. Kemudian muncul juga processor2 : MC6800 dari Motorola -1974, Z80 dari Zilog -1976 (merupakan dua rival berat), dan prosessor2 lain seri 6500 buatan MOST, Rockwell, Hyundai, WDC, NCR dst. Z80 full compatible dengan i8008 hanya sampai level bahasa mesin. Level bahasa rakitannya berbeda (tidak kompatibel level software). Prosesor i8080 adalah prosesor dengan register internal 8-bit, bus eksternal 8-bit, dan memori addressing 20-bit (dapat mengakses 1 MB memori total), dan modus operasi REAL.

• Thn 77 muncul 8085, clock generatornya onprocessor, cikal bakalnya penggunaan single voltage +5V (implementasi s/d 486DX2, pd DX4 mulai +3.3V dst).

• i8086, prosesor dengan register 16-bit, bus data eksternal 16-bit, dan memori addressing 20-bit. Direlease thn 78 menggunakan teknologi HMOS, komponen pendukung bus 16 bit sangat langka , sehingga harganya menjadi sangat mahal.

• Maka utk menjawab tuntutan pasar muncul i8088 16bit bus internal, 8bit bus external. Sehingga i8088 dapat memakai komponen peripheral 8bit bekas i8008. IBM memilih chip ini untuk pebuatan IBM PC karena lebih murah daripada i8086. Kalau saja CEO IBM waktu itu tidak menyatakan PC hanyalah impian sampingan belaka, tentu saja IBM akan menguasai pasar PC secara total saat ini. IBM PC first release Agustus 1981 memiliki 3 versi IBM PC, IBM PC-Jr dan IBM PC-XT (extended technology). Chip i8088 ini sangat populer, sampai NEC meluncurkan sebuah chip yang dibangun berdasarkan spesifikasi pin chip ini, yang diberi nama V20 dan V30. NEC V20 dan V30 adalah processor yang compatible dengan intel sampai level bahasa assembly (software).

Chip 8088 dan 8086 kompatibel penuh dengan program yang dibuat untuk chip 8080, walaupun mungkin ada beberapa program yang dibuat untuk 8086 tidak berfungsi pada chip 8088 (perbedaan lebar bus)

• Lalu muncul 80186 dan i80188.. sejak i80186, prosessor mulai dikemas dalam bentuk PLCC, LCC dan PGA 68 kaki.. i80186 secara fisik berbentuk bujursangkar dengan 17 kaki persisi (PLCC/LCC) atau 2 deret kaki persisi (PGA) dan mulai dari i80186 inilah chip DMA dan interrupt controller disatukan ke dalam processor. semenjak menggunakan 286, komputer IBM menggunakan istilah IBM PC-AT (Advanced Technology)dan mulai dikenal pengunaan istilah PersonalSystem (PS/1). Dan juga mulai dikenal penggunaan slot ISA 16 bit yang dikembangkan dari slot ISA 8 bit , para cloner mulai ramai bermunculan. Ada AMD, Harris & MOS yang compatible penuh dengan intel. Di 286 ini mulai dikenal penggunaan Protected Virtual Adress Mode yang memungkinkan dilakukannya multitasking secara time sharing (via hardware resetting).

Tahun 86 IBM membuat processor dengan arsitektur RISC 32bit pertama untuk kelas PC. Namun karena kelangkaan software, IBM RT PC ini "melempem" untuk kelas enterprise, RISC ini berkembang lebih pesat, setidaknya ada banyak vendor yang saling tidak kompatibel.

• Lalu untuk meraih momentum yang hilang dari chip i8086, Intel membuat i80286, prosesor dengan register 16-bit, bus eksternal 16-bit, mode protected terbatas yang dikenal dengan mode STANDARD yang menggunakan memori addressing 24-bit yang mampu mengakses maksimal 16 MB memori. Chip 80286 ini tentu saja kompatibel penuh dengan chip-chip seri 808x sebelumnya, dengan tambahan beberapa set instruksi baru. Sayangnya chip ini memiliki beberapa bug pada desain hardware-nya, sehingga gagal mengumpulkan pengikut.

• Pada tahun 1985, Intel meluncurkan desain prosesor yang sama sekali baru: i80386. Sebuah prosesor 32-bit , dalam arti memiliki register 32-bit, bus data eksternal 32-bit, dan mempertahankan kompatibilitas dengan prosesor generasi sebelumnya, dengan tambahan diperkenalkannya mode PROTECTED 32-BIT untuk memori addressing 32-bit, mampu mengakses maksimum 4 GB , dan tidak lupa tambahan beberapa instruksi baru. Chip ini mulai dikemas dalam bentuk PGA (pin Grid Array)

Prosesor Intel sampai titik ini belum menggunakan unit FPU secara
internal . Untuk dukungan FPU, Intel meluncurkan seri 80x87. Sejak 386 ini mulai muncul processor cloner : AMD, Cyrix, NGen, TI, IIT, IBM (Blue Lightning) dst, macam-macamnya :

i80386 DX (full 32 bit)
i80386 SX (murah karena 16bit external)
i80486 DX (int 487)
i80486 SX (487 disabled)
Cx486 DLC (menggunakan MB 386DX, juga yang lain)
Cx486 SLC (menggunakan MB 386SX)
i80486DX2 ODP
Cx486DLC2 (arsitektur MB 386)
Cx486SLC2 (arsitektur MB 386)
i80486DX4 ODP
Pentium ODP

• Sekitar tahun 1989 Intel meluncurkan i80486DX. Seri yang tentunya sangat populer, peningkatan seri ini terhadap seri 80386 adalah kecepatan dan dukungan FPU internal dan skema clock multiplier (seri i486DX2 dan iDX4), tanpa tambahan instruksi baru. Karena permintaan publik untuk prosesor murah, maka Intel meluncurkan seri i80486SX yang tak lain adalah prosesor i80486DX yang sirkuit FPU-nya telah disabled . Seperti yang seharusnya, seri i80486DX memiliki kompatibilitas penuh dengan set instruksi chip-chip seri sebelumnya.

• AMD dan Cyrix kemudian membeli rancangan prosesor i80386 dan i80486DX untuk membuat prosesor Intel-compatible, dan mereka terbukti sangat berhasil. Pendapat saya inilah yang disebut proses 'cloning', sama seperti cerita NEC V20 dan V30. AMD dan Cyrix tidak melakukan proses perancangan vertikal (berdasarkan sebuah chip seri sebelumnya), melainkan berdasarkan rancangan chip yang sudah ada untuk membuat chip yang sekelas.

• Tahun 1993, dan Intel meluncurkan prosesor Pentium. Peningkatannya terhadap i80486: struktur PGA yang lebih besar (kecepatan yang lebih tinggi , dan pipelining, TANPA instruksi baru. Tidak ada yang spesial dari chip ini, hanya fakta bahwa standar VLB yang dibuat untuk i80486 tidak cocok (bukan tidak kompatibel) sehingga para pembuat chipset terpaksa melakukan rancang ulang untuk mendukung PCI. Intel menggunakan istilah Pentium untuk meng"hambat" saingannya. Sejak Pentium ini para cloner mulai "rontok" tinggal AMD, Cyrix . Intel menggunakan istilah Pentium karena Intel kalah di pengadilan paten. alasannya angka tidak bisa dijadikan paten, karena itu intel mengeluarkan Pentium menggunakan TM. AMD + Cyrix tidak ingin tertinggal, mereka mengeluarkan standar Pentium Rating (PR) sebelumnya ditahun 92 intel sempat berkolaborasi degan Sun, namun gagal dan Intel sempat dituntut oleh Sun karena dituduh menjiplak rancangan Sun. Sejak Pentium, Intel telah menerapkan kemampuan Pipelining yang biasanya cuman ada diprocessor RISC (RISC spt SunSparc). Vesa Local Bus yang 32bit adalah pengembangan dari arsitektur ISA 16bit menggunakan clock yang tetap karena memiliki clock generator sendiri (biasanya >33Mhz) sedangkan arsitektur PCI adalah arsitektur baru yang kecepatan clocknya mengikuti kecepatan clock Processor (biasanya kecepatannya separuh kecepatan processor).. jadi Card VGA PCI kecepatannya relatif tidak akan sama di frekuensi MHz processor yang berbeda alias makin cepat MHz processor, makin cepat PCI-nya

• Tahun 1995, kemunculan Pentium Pro. Inovasi disatukannya cache memori ke dalam prosesor menuntut dibuatnya socket 8 . Pin-pin prosesor ini terbagi 2 grup: 1 grup untuk cache memori, dan 1 grup lagi untuk prosesornya sendiri, yang tak lebih dari pin-pin Pentium yang diubah susunannya . Desain prosesor ini memungkinkan keefisienan yang lebih tinggi saat menangani instruksi 32-bit, namun jika ada instruksi 16-bit muncul dalam siklus instruksi 32-bit, maka prosesor akan melakukan pengosongan cache sehingga proses eksekusi berjalan lambat. Cuma ada 1 instruksi yang ditambahkan: CMOV (Conditional MOVe) .

• Tahun 1996, prosesor Pentium MMX. Sebenarnya tidak lebih dari sebuah Pentium dengan unit tambahan dan set instruksi tambahan, yaitu MMX. Intel sampai sekarang masih belum memberikan definisi yang jelas mengenai istilah MMX. Multi Media eXtension adalah istilah yang digunakan AMD . Ada suatu keterbatasan desain pada chip ini: karena modul MMX hanya ditambahkan begitu saja ke dalam rancangan Pentium tanpa rancang ulang, Intel terpaksa membuat unit MMX dan FPU melakukan sharing, dalam arti saat FPU aktif MMX non-aktif, dan sebaliknya. Sehingga Pentium MMX dalam mode MMX tidak kompatibel dengan Pentium.

Bagaimana dengan AMD K5? AMD K5-PR75 sebenarnya adalah sebuah 'clone' i80486DX dengan kecepatan internal 133MHz dan clock bus 33MHz . Spesifikasi Pentium yang didapat AMD saat merancang K5 versi-versi selanjutnya dan Cyrix saat merancang 6x86 hanyalah terbatas pada spesifikasi pin-pin Pentium. Mereka tidak diberi akses ke desain aslinya. Bahkan IBM tidak mampu membuat Intel bergeming (Cyrix, mempunyai kontrak terikat dengan IBM sampai tahun 2005)

Mengenai rancangan AMD K6, tahukah anda bahwa K6 sebenarnya adalah rancangan milik NexGen ? Sewaktu Intel menyatakan membuat unit MMX, AMD mencari rancangan MMX dan menambahkannya ke K6. Sayangnya spesifikasi MMX yang didapat AMD sepertinya bukan yang digunakan Intel, sebab terbukti K6 memiliki banyak ketidakkompatibilitas instruksi MMX dengan Pentium MMX.

• Tahun 1997, Intel meluncurkan Pentium II, Pentium Pro dengan teknologi MMX yang memiliki 2 inovasi: cache memori tidak menjadi 1 dengan inti prosesor seperti Pentium Pro , namun berada di luar inti namun berfungsi dengan kecepatan processor. Inovasi inilah yang menyebabkan hilangnya kekurangan Pentium Pro (masalah pengosongan cache) Inovasi kedua, yaitu SEC (Single Edge Cartidge), Kenapa? Karena kita dapat memasang prosesor Pentium Pro di slot SEC dengan bantuan adapter khusus. Tambahan : karena cache L2 onprocessor, maka kecepatan cache = kecepatan processor, sedangkan karena PII cachenya di"luar" (menggunakan processor module), maka kecepatannya setengah dari kecepatan processor. Disebutkan juga penggunaan Slot 1 pada PII karena beberapa alasan :

Pertama, memperlebar jalur data (kaki banyak - Juga jadi alasan Socket 8), pemrosesan pada PPro dan PII dapat paralel. Karena itu sebetulnya Slot 1 lebih punya kekuatan di Multithreading / Multiple Processor. ( sayangnya O/S belum banyak mendukung, benchmark PII dual processorpun oleh ZDBench lebih banyak dilakukan via Win95 ketimbang via NT)

Kedua, memungkinkan upgrader Slot 1 tanpa memakan banyak space di Motherboard sebab bila tidak ZIF socket 9 , bisa seluas Form Factor(MB)nya sendiri konsep hemat space ini sejak 8088 juga sudah ada .Mengapa keluar juga spesifikasi SIMM di 286? beberapa diantaranya adalah efisiensi tempat dan penyederhanaan bentuk.

Ketiga, memungkinkan penggunaan cache module yang lebih efisien dan dengan speed tinggi seimbang dengan speed processor dan lagi-lagi tanpa banyak makan tempat, tidak seperti AMD / Cyrix yang "terpaksa" mendobel L1 cachenya untuk menyaingi speed PII (karena L2-nya lambat) sehingga kesimpulannya AMD K6 dan Cyrix 6x86 bukan cepat di processor melainkan cepat di hit cache! Sebab dengan spec Socket7 kecepatan L2 cache akan terbatas hanya secepat bus data / makin lambat bila bus datanya sedang sibuk, padahal PII thn depan direncanakan beroperasi pada 100MHz (bukan 66MHz lagi). Point inilah salah satu alasan kenapa intel mengganti chipset dari 430 ke 440 yang berarti juga harus mengganti Motherboard.

( sumber : PC Magazine, PC World, BYTE Magazine,
Windows Magazine, dan Intel's Developers Network )
posted by @dhe @ 15.42  
Jumat, 13 Juli 2007
Beberapa bagian dari tulisan asli telah mengalami modifikasi
dan penyesuaian. Beberapa yang kurang tepat juga telah saya
hapus dan saya sesuaikan relatif terhadap pendapat saya
sendiri. Mohon maaf.

Pada dasarnya, setiap pelaku TI atau praktisi hacking itu
sendiri mendefenisikan konsep 'HACKING' yang berbeda.
Tidak tertutup kemungkinan untuk terjadi perbedaan pendapat
terhadap konsep yang di makhsud, namun cukup jadikan
perbedaan pendapat sebagai sebuah kekayaan pemikiran.

Dalam perjalanan menuju pendewasaan, perubahan pola pikir dan
kemampuan teknik, setiap manusia yang memasuki wilayah hacking akan
melewati beberapa tingkatan.

1. Si Dungu
Saya rasa tidak berlebihan untuk menyebut masyarakat pada tingkatan
ini dengan istilah dungu. Mereka hanya memiliki kemampuan teknis
komputer yang rendah dan mengenal hacking dari surat kabar, bahwa
hacker adalah seorang penjahat elektronik.
Bahkan beberapa diantara mereka juga menulis di surat kabar dalam
hal dan konsep yang sama.

2. Lamer
Lamer merupakan sebuah fenomenal awal remaja yang tertarik
mempelajari hacking. Mereka mempunyai kemampuan komputer standar
dan sedikit lebih banyak mendapat informasi.
Mereka mencoba mencari petunjuk serangan praktis. Baik dari e-zine
maupun melalui diskusi IRC (Chatting). Serangan dilakukan dengan
trojan, sebuah remote administration tool yang memberikan akses
terhadap mesin yang telah terinfeksi.
Lamer juga melakukan benyak hal-hal tidak berguna, seperti
tukar-menukar nomor kartu kredit, dan tukar-menukar password
website porno komersial.
Hacker yang kompeten, atau remaja yang berhasil lolos dari
'seleksi alam' akan melalui masa ini dengan begitu cepat memasuki
wilayah penuh keingintahuan.

3. Wannabe
Wannabe hacker menganggap hacking lebih sebagai philosophy, atau
seni kehidupan. Mereka mulai membaca teknik-teknik hacking dasar
dan melakukan searching (pencarian) dokumen-dokumen hack yang lebih
serius. Wannabe telah menunjukkan antusiasnya dalam hacking dan
mulai meninggalkan dunia lamer yang penuh kebodohan.

4. Larva
Perjalanan penuh perjuangan menjadi kupu-kupu. Larva telah
disibukkan dengan berbagai pertanyaan bagaimana benda-benda
bekerja ? Bagaimana dunia bekerja. Larva adalah step terpenting
dalam pembentukan jati diri hacker. Mereka menemukan cara untuk
membuat eksploits sendiri. Mencoba melakukan penetrasi sistem tanpa
melakukan pengerusakan, karena mereka tahu, pengerusakan sistem
adalah cara termudah bagi mereka (sysadmin dan polisi) untuk
menangkap jejak sang larva.

5. Hacker
Sebuah keindahan, naluri, karunia tuhan terhadap orang-orang
yang berjuang. Akhirnya tingkatan tertinggi dari budaya digital
telah dicapai. Sebuah dunia baru menanti. Dunia hacking !!

Sesunguhnya setiap orang tidak akan tau kapan pastinya ia menjadi
hacker. Sama halnya dengan anda tidak pernah tau pasti kapan anda
tertidur. Hal terpenting adalah terus belajar dan mengembangkan
pengetahuan. Saat anda beristirahat sejenak dan mengenang kembali
.. anda telah menjadi hacker.

Kemampuan spesial.

Hacker dalam tahap pendewasaannya akan mengalami spesialisasi
skil/kemampuan. Mereka akan dikenal sebagai:

1. Wizard
Yaitu seseorang yang memiliki pengetahuan yang begitu banyak
terhadap subyek tertentu.

2. Guru
Seseorang yang tau apapun tehadap subyek tertentu. Mereka
mengetahui fitur-fitur tak terdokumentasi. Trik-trik pengembangan,
dan teknik-teknik mengalahkan keterbatasan - limit -

Hacker sejati mengenal kebodohannya dan terus mengembangkan diri untuk
mengatasi semua kebodohannya. Dan dalam perjalanan itu alam mengadakan
seleksi, siapakah yang mampu bertahan ?

Author: MOBY (Echo staff)

Catatan: Artikel ini merupakan saduran dari HACKER STAGES v1.03
posted by @dhe @ 17.21  
Kamis, 12 Juli 2007
Rontokbro menyerang Kangen dan Virus lokal?

Musik Indonesia menjadi tuan di rumah sendiri ? Kalau anda utarakan hal tesebut pada era 1980 - 1990 rasanya tidak banyak musisi lokal yang mampu bersaing dengan musisi luar. Tetapi hari ini ceritanya lain, musik dangdut secara de facto sudah memiliki pasar terbesar dan menjadi salah satu andalan utama stasiun TV lokal untuk menarik pemirsa. Begitupun dengan musik pop dan lainnya, fakta bahwa tidak sulit anda menemukan anak-anak kecil pengamen yang dengan fasih menyanyi "Ada Apa .. Denganmu" :) menunjukkan hal tersebut. Mirip seperti musik lokal, jika kita membicarakan hal ini di tahun 2004 dan sebelumnya maka statistik Vaksincom menunjukkan bahwa virus yang "menguasai" Indonesia > 95 % adalah virus luar negeri dan hanya sedikit sekali virus lokal yang mampu berbicara atau menampilkan dirinya. Katakan JohnMMX, W32/updater yang dikenal juga dengan nama Iworm Perkasa / Imelda, W32/Ganda.A@mm merupakan beberapa virus yang menampakkan dirinya pada era awal 2000. Namun satu hal yang menjadi catatan penting adalah virus lokal ini sangat jarang masuk ke dalam Top 10 dan hanya mampu "Curi Curi Pandang" karena tingkat penyebarannya sangat rendah.
Adalah Pesin yang pertama mampu "Towel Towel" Top 10 virus Indonesia dan diikuti oleh Kangen yang secara konsisten "Towel Towel" Top 10 virus yang paling banyak terdeteksi di Indonesia. Satu hal penyebab menurut pengamatan Vaksincom adalah karena konsistensi pembuat virus Kangen yang terus menerus menelurkan varian baru sampai hari ini dengan rekayasa sosial yang makin hari makin canggih dan praktis menjadikan Kangen sampai kuartal ke tiga 2005 tidak memiliki saingan yang berarti.
Memasuki kuartal ke empat 2005, muncul saingan Kangen yang tidak kalah canggih (untuk tidak mengatakan lebih canggih) dan "juga" secara konsisten diupdate oleh pembuatnya W32/Rontokbro@mm yang pada saat pembuatan artikel ini sudah mencapai varian ke 17 W32/Rontokbro.R. Virus yang dapat dipastikan merupakan kreasi salah satu mahasiswa dari Kota Kembang ini memang hebat, terbukti dengan kemampuannya masuk dalam jajaran elit Top 10 virus Indonesia untuk bulan September - Oktober 2005 dan hanya dikalahkan oleh veteran Funlove, Netsky dan Zafi yang semuanya merupakan virus luar. Satu hal yang menarik perhatian adalah dalam menjalankan aksinya, pada pembuat virus lokal ini seperti "Air dan Api" mulai menyerang virus lokal lain dimana selain menjalankan rutinnya menginfeksi komputer Rontokbro ternyata membasmi virus lokal lain seperti Kangen, Tabaru etc.
Meskipun tujuan pembuat virus ini diklaim bertujuan baik karena membasmi virus lain, tetapi apakah dibenarkan membasmi virus lain dengan menyebarkan virus baru ? Dikhawatirkan aksi ini hanya memicu perseteruan baru yang mirip pertempuran Netsky VS Bagle yang saling menyerang dan yang dapat dipastikan sebagai korban dan menderita paling hebat adalah pengguna komputer Indonesia, khususnya komunitas Warnet, sekolah dan kalangan bisnis di Indonesia yang notabene adalah pengguna komputer awam.

Virus VS Spyware, berimbang

Statistik bulan September dan Oktober 2005 menunjukkan penyebaran Spyware dan Virus dalam komposisi yang berimbang, dimana Virus menang tipis 4 % dan mengambil 52 % dari penyebaran Malware di Indonesia. Dibandingkan bulan Agustus 2005, Spyware mengalami peningkatan 5 % menjadi 48 % dari total insiden malware di Indonesia.
Salah satu penyebab meningkatnya insiden virus di bulan September - Oktober 2005 adalah karena kontribusi virus lokal yang dimotori oleh Rontokbro yang secara mengejutkan bercokol di posisi ke 4 dengan jumlah insiden 642 (4.5 %) mengalahkan Mytob, Redlof, dan WYX. Sedangkan Kangen memberikan kontribusi sebanyak 297 insiden (2.09 %).
Selain Rontokbro dan Kangen, sebenarnya ada tiga virus lokal yang muncul pada statistik Antivirus Vaksincom bulan September - Oktober 2005 yaitu peringkat (17) Pesin, (26) Fawn dan (30) Tabaru. Posisi Jawara insiden virus sendiri di ambil alih oleh W32/Funlove yang menrupakan virus lama yang berumur belasan tahun namun mampu bertahan sampai hari ini dengan jumlah insiden 3.667 (25.81 %) diikuti oleh Zafi 3.311 (23.30 %) pada peringkat ke dua.
Sedangkan jawara pada bulan Agustus Netsky harus puas di tempat ke tiga dengan jumlah insiden 2.754 (19.38 %) disusul oleh Rontokbro 642 (4.53 %), Mytob 472 (3.32), virus boot sector WYX 425 (2.99 %), Redlof 316 (2.22 %) berturut-turut pada posisi 4 sampai 7. Peringkat ke 8 ditempati oleh virus lokal legendaris Kangen 297 (2.09 %) diikuti oleh Mywife yang menampilkan gambar porno pada email bervirus 278 (1.96) dan ditutup oleh pendatang baru W32/Tenga.3666 yang mengeksploitasi delah keamanan RPC Dcom dan menyebarkan dirinya melalui jaringan dan memiliki kemampuan mengupdate dirinya seperti program antivirus.

Gator, buaya imut-imut yang berbahaya

Jika dibandingkan dengan bulan Agustus 2005, Spyware tidak mengalami banyak perubahan dan hanya terjadi pergeseran / tukar tempat saja. Adalah Gator, spyware dengan icon buaya yang memimpin peringkat pertama dengan total 2.505 insiden (19.18 %) menggantikan Istbar yang tergeser ke peringkat 3 dengan insiden 1.423 (10.90 %). Peringkat dua ditempati oleh spyware Agent yang melompat dari posisi 15 dengan total insiden 1.499 (11.48 %) yang melengserkan Dyfuca ke peringkat 5, 999 insiden (7.65 %). Winad yang pada bulan sebelumnya menempati posisi 5 dengan insiden 1.027 (7.86) bergerak naik sedikit melemparkan Lop keluar dari daftar Spyware paling ganas se Indonesia. Untuk informasi detail penyebaran Spyware di Indoensia.
Issue terakhir selain penyebaran Rontokbro yang meluas khususnya di kota Kembang dimana Vaksincom mengalami ribuan permintaan download Norman Virus Control adalah juga tentang aksi Sony Corporation yang menggunakan rootkit menginstalkan dirinya dari beberapa CD yang dikeluarkan oleh Sony yang dijalankan oleh PC dimana setelah menginstalkan dirinya, software ini akan berusaha menyembunyikan dirinya ke harddisk dan menempatkan atributnya sebagai hidden (tersembunyi).
Teknik ini sebenarnya biasa terjadi di dunia spyware tetapi yang memalukan adalah karena hal ini dilakukan oleh perusahaan besar sekelas Sony. Teknologi Sandbox dari Norman Virus Control mampu mendeteksi teknik ini sehingga para pengguna Norman tidak perlu khawatir atas serangan ini. Dikhawatirkan, pembuat virus atau spyware meniru cara ini untuk menyembunyikan diri dan aktivitasnya dimasa depan.

Rontokbro menyerbu Indonesia 13 November 2005

Virus Lokal Kelas Dunia yang memiliki SMTP sendiri
Siapa bilang putra Indonesia tidak mampu bersaing dan berkiprah di dunia ? Lihat Teh Botol Sosro, Gudang Garam, Indomie dan Pacekap yang dimiliki oleh putra Indonesia yang menguasai pasar Indonesia dan mulai merambah pasar dunia. Kalau selama ini virus lokal seperti Kangen, Tabaru (Riyani Jangkaru), Lavist atau Kumis yang asli buatan Indonesia dapat digolongkan sebagai virus "kelas 2" karena penyebarannya mengandalkan UFD (USB Flash Disk) meminjam istilah yang digunakan Tabloid PC Plus :) dan mayoritas menyebar di Indonesia atau Asia Tenggara.
Maka kini para pengguna internet Indonesia dan di belahan dunia lain seperti Amerika, Polandia, Spanyol, Jepang, Vietnam, Belanda, Hungaria, Swedia, Peru, Rusia dan Israel juga kebagian aksi virus baru yang diberi nama W32/Rontokbro@mm, sesuai dengan namanya maka anda tahu bahwa virus ini mampu menyebarkan dirinya dengan mass mailing (email massal) dan memupuskan "tradisi" virus lokal yang mengandalkan UFD sebagai sarana penyebaran utamanya.
Banyak hal yang mengejutkan dari Rontokbro ini seperti kemampuan rekayasa sosial yang tinggi dan dapat dikatakan berciri asli Indonesia dan pertama kali digunakan oleh virus lokal seperti memalsukan "icon" dirinya sebagai file tidak berdosa baik sebagai file MS Office ataupun sebagai folder, melakukan bloking akses Registry Editor, melakukan restart komputer jika menemukan kata tertentu pada header browser, selektif dalam mengirim email bervirus (guna menghindari deteksi cepat oleh vendor sekuriti) sampai "mengerjai" Host file komputer lokal sehingga akses ke situs sekutiri tertentu menjadi terblokir.

Mengapa Rontokbro

Tentunya anda bertanya, kok namanya susah amat Rontokbro? Apa maksudnya mengakibatkan komputernya si Bro Rontok ? :). Atau apa alasan lain ? Menurut pengamatan teknisi laboratorium virus Vaksincom, ternyata pembuat virus ini mendapatkan ilham membuat virus ini dari satwa langka Indonesia, Elang Brontok yang memiliki nama latin Spizaetus cirrhatus, selain itu rupanya pembuat virus Rontokbro (yang disinyalir berasal dari salah satu universitas pemerintah di Jawa Barat) juga menyebarkan pesan anti korupsi, anti freesex dan anti pencemaran lingkungan dalam email yang dikirimkannya dengan lampiran kangen.exe. Apakah pembuat virus ini sama dengan pembuat Kangen, atau ia hanya membonceng kepopuleran virus Kangen agar dirinya dapat menyebar dengan baik, yang jelas menurut statistik Vaksincom penyebaran Rontokbro saat ini sudah mengalahkan Kangen. Elang Brontok merupakan satwa burung khas Indonesia yang patut dibanggakan karena memiliki keunikan morphologi yang tidak dimiliki burung lainnya di dunia.

Detail Email yang mengandung virus Rontokbro

Adapun email yang mengandung virus Rontokbro ini memiliki ciri-ciri sebagai berikut :

From: [Dipalsukan]
Subject: kosong

BRONTOK.A [ By: HVM**-Jowo*** #** Community ]
-- Hentikan kebobrokan di negeri ini --
1. Adili Koruptor, Penyelundup, Tukang Suap, Penjudi, & Bandar NARKOBA ( Send to "NUSAKAMBANGAN")
2. Stop Free Sex, Absorsi, & Prostitusi
3. Stop (pencemaran laut & sungai), pembakaran hutan & perburuan liar.
Terinspirasi oleh: Elang Brontok (Spizaetus Cirrhatus) yang hampir punah
[By: HVM**-Jowo*** #** Community--]


Uniknya, rontokbro akan menghindari pengiriman email kealamat-alamat dengan domain sebagai berikut: PLASA, TELKOM, INDO, .CO.ID, .GO.ID, .MIL.ID, .SCH.ID, .NET.ID, .OR.ID, .AC.ID, .WEB.ID, .WAR.NET.ID, ASTAGA, GAUL, BOLEH, EMAILKU, SATU. Apa alasan di balik aksinya ini? Apakah untuk mengurangi lalulintas email lokal atau pembuatnya merasa cukup "pede" dimana penyebaran lokal diserahkan pada UFD sehingga tidak perlu mengandalkan penyebaran via email karena toh penyebaran via warnet jauh lebih efektif dibandingkan melalui email. Yang jelas Rontokbro yang disebarkan ke domain di luar Indonesia mencatat "prestasi" yang cukup baik (untuk ukuran Indonesia) dan berhasil menyebar kenegara lain.
Hebatnya lagi, antivirus top tidak mengenali virus ini dan menurut catatan Vaksincom, versi Rontokbro yang dikenali oleh antivirus hanya versi awal W32/Rontokbro.A@mm dan W32/RontokbroB.@mm saja. Padahal varian Rontokbro yang diterima oleh Vaksincom dan dapat dikenali oleh Norman Virus Control sudah sampai varian ke 7 W32/Rontrokbro.G@mm. Satu kehebatan lain dari Rontokbro adalah kemampuannya untuk mencari SMTP server guna mengirimkan kopi dirinya dan ia juga menggunakan SMTP engine sendiri untuk mengirimkan dirinya pada semua alamat email yang berhasil dikumpulkannya dari komputer yang terinfeksi.

Komputer restart terus menerus

Bagaimana kita bisa mengetahui bahwa komputer sudah terinfeksi Rontokbro? Selain melakukan beberapa perubahan pada registri yang mengakibatkan pemblokiran pada akses Registry Editor sehingga anda tidak bisa membuka regedit.exe, Rontokbro juga menyebabkan komputer restart terus menerus. Biang keladinya bukan eksploitasi celah keamanan seperti Sasser, melainkan karena Rontokbro melakukan restart pada komputer setiap kali menemukan aplikasi dengan nama:
Tujuan dari aksi ini adalah jelas untuk memproteksi dirinya supaya tidak mudah dibasmi. Selain itu Rontokbro juga berusaha menyerang website: dan Dengan cara membanjiri dengan ping. Namun dampak dari aktivitas ini hanya akan terasa kalau komputer yang terinfeksi mencapai jumlah yang sangat banyak (e.g. 10.0000 komputer) yang pada kasus tertentu dapat mengakibatkan website yang diserang menjadi lumpuh/down.

Bagaimana kalau saya sudah terinfeksi Rontokbro

Pembersihan Rontokbro sebaiknya dilakukan melalui "safe mode" karena jika mencoba pembersihan melalui mode "normal" komputer akan langsung restart begitu komputer dijalankan.
1. Lakukan pembersihan melalui "safe mode".
2. Scan komputer dengan Norman Virus Control update terakhir. Bagi anda yang belum neggunakan Norman Virus Control, silahkan download ke (jangan lupa masukkan email anda yang valid untuk menerima License Trial) dan bersihkan semua file yang terdeteksi sebagai W32/Rontokbro@mm dan variannya.
3. Untuk mengaktifkan kembali fungsi registry editor hapus value:
DisableRegistryTools =1
Untuk lebih mudahnya gunakan tools dari HijackThis, tools tersebut dapat didownload dialamat:

Setelah dijalankan, cari option
DisableRegedit=1, kemudian klik [Fix checked]

Gunakan HijackThis untuk membuka blokir regedit.exe yang dilakukan oleh Rontokbro
Hapus registry:
Disable CMD=0

Untuk mengembalikan option [Folder option] pada windows explore, hapus string registry:
pada registry key:

4. Hapus opsi pada menu [Startup] pada msconfig
- NorBtok
- Smss
- Empty

5. Hapus Schedule Task yang dibuat oleh W32/RontokBro.B
a. Buka [Windows Explorer]
b. Klik [Control Panles]
c. Klik 2 kali [Schedule Tasks]

How to remove Rontokbro.N

Virus lokal yang aktif di mode “safe mode”
Dewasa ini penyebaran virus lokal sudah semakin pesat, merekapun berlomba-lomba dalam membuat suatu virus sehingga varian-varian barupun bermunculan dengan sedikit modifikasi pada script yang mereka buat jadilah varian baru yang siap menyerang siapa saja dan kapan saja, walau media penyebaran yang digunakan masih sederhana tetapi terbukti masih efektif hal ini ditunjang dengan semakin banyaknya user yang menggunakan media disket/USB Flash Disk.
USB FlashDisk kini makin digemari dikalangan pengguna komputer karena mudah dibawa dan mempunyai kapasitas yang lebih besar dari pada disket serta mempunyai ukuran yang kecil, dengan adanya trend seperti ini rupanya dimanfaatkan oleh sebagian kecil orang sebagai media yang cocok dan mudah untuk menyebarkan virus yang mereka buat, maka lahirlah virus-virus lokal yang kita kenal sekarang ini.
Perkembangan virus lokal sebenarnya sudah dikenali sejak lama sejak jamannya virus Pesin, dari sinilah mulai bermunculan virus-virus lokal yang baru sebut saja Lavist, kangen, riyanni_jangkaru aau Tabaru, kumis, fawn yosa dan terakhir Rontokbro, itulah sebagian nama-nama virus lokal yang pernah menjadi “momok” dalam beberapa bulan yang lalu, walaupun sebagian besar antivirus sudah dapat mengenali virus tersebut tetapi karena penyebarannya terbatas dilingkungan tertentu maka jika ada varian dari virus tersebut akan sangatlah sulit untuk dideteksi olah karena itu sebaiknya gunakan antivirus yang mempunyai dukungan support lokal.
Dari sekian banyak virus lokal yang ada hanya 3 virus yang berhasil membumi yaitu Rontokbro, kangen dan fawn. Tetapi dari 3 jenis virus tersebut hanya Rontokbro yang mampu memberikan kerugian yang cukup besar dibandingkan dengan yang virus lokal yang lain. Dengan up-date terbaru antivirus Norman sudah dapat mengenali virus ini dengan baik.

Kelemahan Safemode berhasil diketahui Rontokbro.

Rontokbro adalah jenis virus lokal pertama yang dapat menyebar melalui email berbeda dengan virus lokal lain yang hanya dapat menyebar melalui dikset/USB, Komputer yang terinfeksi Rontokbro akan melakukan restart hal ini sama seperti yang dilakukan oleh virus Kumis dan virus Sasser/Blaster, bedanya komputer yang terinfeksi Rontokbro akan restart jika menjalankan suatu program aplikasi tertentu seperti regedit, msconfig atau task manager, up-date pacth yang anda lakukan tidak akan membawa dampak apa-apa karena virus ini tidak mengeksploitasi celah keamanan seperti yang dilakukan oleh Sasser/Blaster proses restartnya pun tidak memunculkan hitungan mundur seperti yang dilakukan oleh virus Sasser/Blaster, satu hal yang menjadi kelebihan dari virus ini dimana walaupun komputer dalam posisi “safe mode” komputer akan tetap restart jika menjalankan program aplikasi seperti regedit, msconfig bahkan ketika menjalankan tools seperti pocket Killbox atau HijackThis, dimana kita tahu jika komputer dijalankan dalam mode “safe mode” virus yang menginfeksi komputer tersebut tidak aktif, tetapi tidak halnya dengan Rontokbro suatu kemajuan yang luar biasa rupanya team pembuat Rontokbro sudah mengetahui titik kelemahan yang ada pada mode “safe mode”, lalu mengapa hal ini tidak digunakan oleh para pembuat virus non lokal bukankah mereka mempunyai pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang jauh lebih banyak ? Satu lagi jempol untuk pembuat Rontokbro.
Berdasarkan pemantauan yang dilakukan oleh Vaksincom ( banyak user yang terinfeksi virus Rontokbro, ini dibuktikan dengan banyaknya user yang berkonsultasi dengan Vaksincom baik melalui email, telepon maupun forum Vaksincom dari sekian pengaduan yang ada sebagian besar mengeluhkan komputer mereka terinfeksi virus Rontokbro varian N dimana virus ini akan menyebabkan komputer restart walau dalam posisi “safe mode” sekalipun, oleh karena itu team Vaksincom mencoba untuk memberikan sedikit trik dan tips yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi virus Rontokbro apalagi bagi mereka yang belum menggunakan Norman Virus Control sehingga belum dapat mengenali varian ini dengan baik :).
Sebelum melangkah ke masalah bagaimana cara pembersihan Rontokbro ada baiknya mengetahui secara umum apa yang dilakukan oleh Rontokbro. File yang terinfeksi Rontokbro.N mempunyai ukuran sebesar 42kb dengan icon folder tetapi dengan extension EXE, jika dijalankan akan membuat beberapa file yaitu:

C:\Windows dengan nama file eksplorasi.exe (hidden)
C:\Windows\shellnew dengan nama sempalong.exe (hidden)
C:\WINDOWS\system32 dengan nama %username"s Setting.scr (hidden)
C:\Documents and Settings\%user%\Local Settings\Application Data dengan nana file
- Bron.tok-x-y, dimana x dan y menunukan angka
- Loc.Mail.Bron.Tok, berisi alamat email yang diperoleh dari komputer yang terinfeksi
- Ok-SendMail-Bron-tok, berisi email yang berhasil dikirim
- csrss.exe
- inetinfo.exe
- Kosong.Bron.Tok.txt
- lsass.exe
- NetMailTmp.bin
- services.exe
- smss.exe
- Update.3.Bron.Tok.bin
- winlogon.exe
C:\Documents and Settings\bagle\Start Menu\Programs\Startup nama file Empty
C:\Documents and settings\%Users%\Templates

Ciri-ciri Virus Rontokbro

Membuat file pada setiap folder dimana file ini mempunyai nama yang sama dengan folder tersebut dengan ciri-ciri
- Icon yang digunakan berupa Folder
- Ukuran file 42 Kb
- Ekstension .EXE

Rontokbro juga akan melakukan perubahan pada file C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT dengan menambahkan baris perintah “ PAUSE”. Agar Rontokbro dapat aktif begitu komputer dinyalakan, ia akan membuat registry beberapa registry key yaitu:

Shell dengan value Explorer.exe “C:\Windows\Eksplorasi.exe”

Disable Registry editor
Seperti kebanyakan virus yang ada, virus ini juga akan menonaktifkan program yang dimungkinkan dapat mempersingkat keberadaan “mereka” diantaranya fungsi registry editor dengan menambahkan sebuah registry key:
DisableRegistryTools =1
Jika fungsi registry editor dijalankan maka akan muncul pesan error. Pesan yang muncul jika komputer yang terinfeksi Rontokbro berusaha mengakses Registry Editor.

Pada registry
Selain menambahkan string pada registry key, virus in juga akan menambahkan option di menu [startup] pada msconfig.

Menyembunyikan Folder Option
Rupanya virus ini belajar dari rekan-rekannya, dimana virus ini akan menghilangkan [folder options] pada menu [tools] pada [Windows explorer], sehingga user tidak akan bisa menampilkan setiap file yang disembunyikan (hidden) oleh virus tersebut, dengan menambahkan string value:

pada registry key
Folder Option yang dihilangkan oleh ROntokbro supaya user tidak bisa merubah settingan folder option

Task Schedule 5.08 PM
Rontonbrojuga akan membuat task schedule pada windows dimana schedule ini akan dijalankan setiap jam 5.08 PM, dengan menjalankan file yang berada didirektori:
C:\Documents and Settings\%Users%\Templates
Schedule yang dibuat oleh Rontokbro menjalankan file tertentu setiap 5:08 PM. Kemungkinan hal ini digunakan untuk mengupdate dirinya.

Restart Komputer Otomatis

Salah satu kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh Rontokbro adalah dapat menyebabkan komputer restart, jangan harap up-date patch dapat menyelesaikan masalah ini, hal ini disebabkan karena Rontokbro tidak mengeksploitasi celah keamanan seperti yang biasa digunakan oleh virus Sasser atau Blaster.
Rontokbro akan merestart komputer jika anda berusaha menjalankan suatu program tertentu seperti regedit, msconfig bahkan jika anda menjalankan software pengganti Task manager seperti pocket Killbox bahkan HijackThis dan salah satu kelebihan lain yang dimiliki adalah kemampuannya untuk merestart komputer walaupun dalam mode “safe mode” walapun, oleh karena itu dibutuhkan trik untuk menangani masalah tersebut. kemungkinan besar pembuat Rontokbro selalu mengikuti saran dan perkembangan terakhir sehingga ia akan makin sulit dibasmi karena selalu mengupdate dirinya.

Curi Alamat Email
Rontokbro akan mengambil alamat email pada semua file yang mengandung ext. .asp .cfm .csv .doc .eml .html .php .txt .wab

Lewat Disket/USB Flash Disk
Selain menyebar melaui email, Rontokbro juga akan menyebar melalui Disket/USB dengan membuat file pada folder/subfolder yang ada didisket/USB atau pada root USB itu sendiri, file yang diciptakan tersebut mempunyai ciri-ciri: Icon menyerupai Folder, Ukuran 42 Kb, Ext. EXE
Rontokbro juga akan mencoba untuk melakukan koneksi dengan mengirimkan ping request ke salah satu situs dewasa seperti dan, hal ini lah salah satu faktor yang dapat dapat memperlambat system komputer tetapi karena penyebaran koneksi internet di Indonesia relatif masih lambat, dampak dari hal ini akan kurang terasa pada user dialup rumahan karena tidak selalu terkoneksi dan dampak terbesar akses ke dua situs tersebut akan besar pengaruhnya jika komputer yang terkena Ronrokbro adalah komputer rumahan yang memiliki koneksi ADSL dan selalu terkoneksi ke internet, komputer Warnet atau kantor yang selalu terkoneksi ke internet.
Seperti layaknya antivirus, Rontokbro juga mencoba untuk melakukan up-date ke salah satu situs yang sudah ditentukan, jadi jangan lengah sebaiknya up-date antivirus Anda agar tidak menjadi korban berikutnya dan jangan lupa agar tidak sembarangan dalam bertukar data melalui disket/usb satu tips yang mungkin berguna adalah dengan mengenali jenis file yang akan dijalankan, dan upayakan untuk selalu menampilkan ekstesi dari file tersebut agar dapat mengetahui type dari file tersebut. Satu cara yang efektif untuk mencegah Rontokbro adalah dengan menggunakan antivirus yang memberikan support lokal sehingga definisinya dapat mengimbangi munculnya varian baru Rontokbro yang sampai saat ini masih terus dikeluarkan.

Cara membersihkan Rontokbro

1. Lakukan pembersihan melalui “safe mode”
2. Matikan proses virus
Untuk mematikan proses tersebut sebaiknya jangan menggunakan program pocket killbox atau HijackThis karena komputer akan langsung restart jika anda menjalan kan tools ini, kami sarankan untuk menggunakan tools lain yang seperti PROCEXP.EXE dapat didownload di situs
Hapus proses dengan cara "klik kanan nama proses" dan pilih "kill prosess tree", agar tidak salah dalam penghapusan cari proses yang mempunyai icon "folder", seperti:
- smss.exe
- services.exe
- winlogon.exe

Anda juga dapat melakukan langkah berikut:
a. Restart komputer dan masuk dalam mode "safe mode with command prompt”, dengan cara menekan tombol [F8] ketika komputer restart, hal ini dimaksudkan agar virus Rontokbro tidak aktif pada posisi ”safe mode” dan komputer tidak melakukan restart selama proses pembersihan.
b. Setelah masuk mode ”Command Prompt” tekan tombol [CTRL] + [ALT] + [Del] secara bersamaan, kemudian pilih [Task Manager], setelah layar Task Manager muncul, klik menu [File] pilih [New Task (Run..), kemudian ketik [explorer] pada jendela [create new task file] setelah itu klik enter.
c. Kemudian akan muncul layar desktop (layaknya masuk ke mode "safe mode")
d. Aktifkan kembali fungsi registry editor dan hapus string yang dibuat oleh virus, tulis script seperti yang ada pada angka [3], kemudian simpan menjadi nama file "repair.inf", setelah itu jalankan file tersebut dengan cara: klik kanan file [repair.inf] kemudiani pilih [install]
e. Hapus option [Smss], [Empty] dan [Sempalong] pada msconfig di tabulasi [startup)
f. Agar ”Folder option” pada windows explorer dapat muncul, restart kembali komputer dan lakukan seperti langkah pada point (a dan b)
g. Setelah komputer masuk ke mode "safe mode" tampilkan semua file yang disembuyikan (lakukan perubahan ini pada "folder option", lihat gambar yang ada pada point [5], selanjunya ikuti petunjuk pembersihan Rontokbro seperti yang ada pda point (6-9)

3. Tulis script berikut dan simpan di notepade beri nama file repair.inf, jalankan file tersebut (klik kanan [repair.inf] pilih [install]), hal ini dimaksudkan untuk mengqaktifkan kembali fungsi registry editor, menampilkan kembali [folder option] serta menghapus string yang telah dibuat oleh virus



HKLM, Software\CLASSES\batfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\comfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\exefile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\piffile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\regfile\shell\open\command,,,"regedit.exe "%1""
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\scrfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon, Shell,0, "Explorer.exe"

HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System,DisableRegistryTools
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System,DisableCMD
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer,NoFolderOptions
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,Tok-Cirrhatus
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,Bron-Spizaetus

4. Restart komputer dan masuk kembali ke mode "safe mode" jangan ke posiosi "normal" karena file induk dari virus ini masih ada (eksplorasi.exe dan sempalong.exe)
5. Tampilkan file yang disembunyikan, lakukan perubahan ini pada [folder Option] untuk memunculkan kembali file hidden dengan Folder Option.
6. Hapus file yang dibuat oleh Rontokbro
- C:\Windows dengan, nama file eksplorasi.exe (hidden)
- C:\windows\shellnew, dengan nama sempalong.exe(hidden)
- C:\WINDOWS\system32, dengan nama %username"s Setting.scr (hidden)
- C:\Windows\pss, dengan nama file [Empty.pifStartup]
- C:\Documents and Settings\%user%\Local Settings\Application Data dengan nama file
- Bron.tok-[x]-[y], di mana [X] dan [Y] menunjukan angka
- Loc.Mail.Bron.Tok
- Ok-SendMail-Bron-tok
- csrss.exe
- inetinfo.exe
- Kosong.Bron.Tok.txt
- lsass.exe
- NetMailTmp.bin
- services.exe
- smss.exe
- Update.3.Bron.Tok.bin
- winlogon.exe
- smss.exe

7. Edit kembali file autoexec.bat di direktori C:\ dan hapus baris perintah [pause]
8. Hapus scheduled tasks yang dibuat oleh Rontokbro (klik [Start], [Settings], [Control Panel], kemudian klik 2 kali menu [scheduled tasks].
9. Hapus file yang dibuat oleh virus, untuk lebih cepatnya gunakan fasilitas [serach]
• Klik [Start]
• Klik [Search], kemudian klik [For Files or Folders]
• Kemudian pilih [All files or Folders]
• Klik option [What size is it ?]
• Kemudian pilih option [Specify Size (in Kb)]
• Pada kombo Box, pilih [At most] kemdian isi ukuran file dengan angka [43], setelah itu klik [Search]
• Setelah proses pencarian selesai, sortir berdasarkan ukuran (size), kemudian hapus file yang mempunyai ukuran 42 kb, jangan sampai terjadi kesalahan dalam penghapusan file karena ada beberapa file windows yang mempunyai ukuran 42 kb, cari file yang icon folder dengan extension. EXE

Untuk pembersihan lebih cepat sebaiknya anda gunakan antivirus yang sudah dapat mengenali Rontokbro.N jangan lupa update antivirus yang terinstall, sebagai informasi antivirus Norman dengan up-date terakhir sudah dapat menganali virus ini dengan baik.

Tips Untuk Menghindari Virus RontokBro

Berikut ada beberapa tips dan trik yang dapat digunakan terhindar dari serangan virus lokal
1. Jangan sembarangan dalam melakukan pertukaran data melaui disket/usb
2. Patikan disket/Usb bersih dari virus dengan melakukan scan terhadap disket/usb sebelum digunakan.
3. Kenali jensi file yang akan dijalankan
4. Biasakan untuk menampilkan extensi file, hal ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui jenis file sebelum dijalankan.
5. Rajin mengikuti perkembangan virus
6. Install antivirus yang mempunyai dukungan support lokal dan up-date otomatis

NgeRontokin virus Brontok

Virus ini bertipe worm (dapat menduplikasi diri), dan menyebar melalui attachment email (email virus). Nama lain virus: brontok, Rontokbro. Virus ini kira2 pertama kali menyebar di bulan September 2005, dibuat oleh orang Indonesia karena signature email nya berbahasa Indonesia dan juga isi virus dalam binari dan dan menemukan nama-nama fungsi dalam kode ascii merupakan kata-kata bahasa Indonesia seperti keluarDOng(), dsb.

Langkah-langkah membersihkan komputer dari virus Barontok:

(Untuk win 95, 98, ME)
- Masuk ke safe mode: Reboot lalu setelahh muncul tampilan bios tekan Ctrl, pilih Safe mode dan tekan enter
- Lanjut langsung mulai dari langkah 5

(Untuk windows ME dan XP)
Matikan System Restore Windows
Start->Settings->Control panel->System atau
Start->Control PAnel->System
pada System restore tab... pilih opsi "Turn off System Restore"

(Untuk Win 2000, XP Home/Pro, Server 2003)
1. Reboot dan masuk ke safe mode.
** Restart windows, setelah muncul tampilan BIOS tekan F8, akan ada pilihan: Safe mode, Normal,.... pilih safe mode lalu tekan enter
2. Setelah itu masuk windows dengan login administrator atau user lain yang mempunyai auth sebagai administrator,
3. Buat User account baru DENGAN account type: Computer Administrator lalu logoff dan login dengan account yang baru dibuat.

Menghilangkan autostart virus di registry
4. Buka regedit: Start menu->Run->Regedit.exe lalu tekan enter
Di panel kiri pilih key:
lalu di panel kanan, hapus key:
Bron-Spizaetus = "........"
Di panel kiri pilih key:
lalu di panel kanan, hapus key:
Tok-Cirrhatus = "......"

** Catatan:
Jika regedit tidak dapat dibuka (muncul pesan error)., ini merupakan salah satu akibat virus barontok.
Untuk itu telah dibuat file untuk mengatasi masalah tsb:

Download file PatchRegKey.inf (600 Bytes / gak nyampe 1 KB) di:

Setelah di download, klik kanan file tsb lalu pilih "Install" lalu lanjutkan langkah 4.

Menghilangkan autostart virus di scheduled task
5. Buka Secheduled Task di Control Panel: Start->Settings->Control Panel->Scheduled Task lalu tekan enter

Hapus task dengan nama "At1" atau apapun yang berhubungan dengan virus.
Tips: Klik kanan task->properties, lalu lihat isi properties dan jika ad isi command yang mencurigakan contoh: , dsb.. hapus task tersebut.

Cari dan Hapus file-file virus di seluruh drive komputer
6. Aktifkan opsi Show hidden Files dan Ekstensi:
Start->Settings->Control panel atau
Start->Control Panel

Klik Folder Options dan pada Tab view aktifkan opsi:
a. Show hidden files&Folders dan matikan opsi
b. Hide Extensions for known file types
c. Hide Protected Operating System

7. Gunakan Search File Windows: Start->Search lalu tekan enter

Cari di seluruh drive windows yang ad: C,D, .... pada input Search for files or folders names masukkan: *.exe lalu pada search options pilih opsi Range Size-> At most: 81 Kb dan pada Advanced Options pilih opsi Search system folders, search hidden files&folders, search subfolders pilihan lain biarkan kosong Lalu klik search now..
Pada hasil pencarian di panel kanan hapus semua file yang:
a. berukuran TEPAT 80 kb DAN
b. file nya berekstensi *.exe / *.pif / *.com / *.bat DAN
c. File nya memiliki icon folder/direktori windows

** Perhatian: hapus hanya file yang memenuhi SEMUA kondisi di atas dan BUKAN yang memenuhi salah satu saja.
(File yang sering ditemukan:, ElnorB.exe, cari file ini)
* Tips: Sort hasil pencarian berdasarkan size untuk memudahkan penghapusan
* Catatan: Cara ini merupakan cara heuristic berdasarkan pengalaman dan eksperimen (e.g: ditemukan bahwa virus tsb berukuran 80 Kb), dipilih untuk pencarian lebih cepat dibandingkan melihat pattern file satu2 secara manual.

7. Ulangi langkah ke-7 atas dengan input search file: *.pif, *.com, *.bat

Proses Akhir
8. Jika ada, Hapus semua shortcut virus Startup Menu di setiap account profile: C:/Document Settings/

** Saran: jika memungkinkan misal pada komputer pribadi dan bukan multi user, hapus user account selain user account yang dibuat pada langkah 3 di atas (misal: Administrator).

9. Reboot dan masuk windows seperti biasa.

Catatan: Cara ini sudah BERHASIL diterapkan di banyak komputer (pastikan Anda sudah mengikuti semua langkah di atas)

sumber :,,, dll.
editing by:
posted by @dhe @ 16.45  
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